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Fokker Dr.1 triplane

Photo 1 of 49


24 22 June 2022, 18:44
David R. Meizoso
Beautiful! Love your painting skills and the cleanness of the whole build. Keep it going!
 22 June 2022, 19:35
ArnoldWings Autor
Thanks a lot David 😊
 22 June 2022, 19:43
Great job. Excellent paint skills. Lovely wood effect. The propeller is also painted or is it real laminated wood? Is fantastic!
 22 June 2022, 20:09
Thomas Bischoff
Extraordinary result 👍
 22 June 2022, 20:12
ArnoldWings Autor
Thanks.Propeller is painted, acrilic base and oil painting
 22 June 2022, 21:10
thanks. it looks totally realistic. amazing.
 22 June 2022, 21:20
Lochsa River
A pleasure to look at....
 23 June 2022, 00:28
Björn Svedberg
That is just beautiful! Excellent paintjob and nice weathering! 👍 👍
 23 June 2022, 16:24
Predrag Ivanovic
Another great model. Truly inspirational. How did you achieve those streaking sheme, looking great.
 23 June 2022, 17:55
ArnoldWings Autor
Thanks. These are oil paints. The base is acrylic rlm76 (you can use white or the color of the canvas), then a glossy varnish and oil application. For clarity, you can find the videos "streaking camo Fokker" on YouTube
 23 June 2022, 19:27

Album info

E.Udet plane

49 imagini
1:48 Du doch nicht! (Albatros D.V, Fokker D.VII, Fokker Dr.I) (Eduard 11137)

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