In the trenchesVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 1July 18, 2022 2July 18, 2022 Comentarii 4 18 July 2022, 01:22Jac Fleming AutorFirst build is almost ready, chipping and weathering will be done when everything has it's place. Working on a few dead horses now. 18 July 2022, 01:24Rui SLooking great 👍 ,I'm in 😎 19 July 2022, 00:21Ben Mpoor horses 19 July 2022, 01:19Album infoA WW1 Diorama.Only the dead have seen the end of war.2 imagini1:35In progres6+Toate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »