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Roy McKay (roym)

Garrison Model Show 2022

Photo 1 of 112


11 27 August 2022, 20:28
Thanks for showing!
 28 August 2022, 06:10
Roy McKay Autor
It's on today so I'll add more as the day goes on.
 28 August 2022, 07:25
Roy McKay Autor
I'll also add details to all the photos
 28 August 2022, 07:25
Villiers de Vos
Thank you for sharing.
 28 August 2022, 18:04
Rui S
Interesting, thx for sharing 👍
 28 August 2022, 22:26
Roy McKay Autor
There is a nice vid on YouTube (not by me so thanks to whoever did it). For those interested I'm at 6:25 to 6:30 😎🤩🤩🤩🤩

Youtube Video
 9 September 2022, 21:13

Album info

The Garrison Model Show is held on the last weekend of August. 2022 edition is on 28th August. This album is to document the Show and it's venue, Camden Fort Meagher, near Crosshaven, Cork, Ireland. It is not a traditional model show in the European sense, not exclusively plastic kits and no competition aspect. Rather a better description is that of a multi medium exhibition or expo. All forms of modelling are represented and its more of a day out type event with big boys (and girls) toys.

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