35 20 November 2022, 11:07

Oh, that's very nice👍👍
A very ambitious project and excellently implemented!
Likes the many small details.
20 November 2022, 11:22

Spectacular for 1/72 scale and great composition as well. Are the metal gates your own work or did you buy that off the shelf?
20 November 2022, 18:16

Hans! The metal gates are from Voyager model:European iron gates pattern 5.Very high quality stuffs. I love them.
20 November 2022, 19:01

Just a nicely conceived and superbly-executed little masterpiece!
Bravo, Sir! 👏🏻👍🏻
21 November 2022, 06:47

Nice work on this beautiful diorama 👍 The composition with the open gate gives a really cool "visual corridor" with multiple layers... fascinating to observe 🙂
21 November 2022, 09:04

very beautyfull . thaught first it was a 1-35scale . nice work !!!
21 November 2022, 17:46

Great work. Excellent composition. I always feel filling every available space with something looks contrived. This proves that space is important too.
21 November 2022, 18:54
Album info
My new 1/72 diorama.