scalare baze de date de modelare | manager de rezervă
Robert Podkoński (podkon)

Matchbox sized record plane


41 30 December 2022, 16:00
Patryk S.
 30 December 2022, 16:13
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2, take care of your eyesight Robert 😉
 1 January 2023, 12:52
Jan Peters
Micro flora, count me in 👍🏻
 1 January 2023, 12:55
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel warmly welcomed, Mates! I have new reading glasses, Łukasz 😉
 1 January 2023, 17:05
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
Following this micro-modelling project
 1 January 2023, 17:12
Robert Podkoński Autor
The next step will be masking the canopy and windscreen... Plan B is to use the strips of decal.
 1 January 2023, 17:15
Łukasz Gliński
Good for your, Sir 😄
 1 January 2023, 18:54
Artur Z.
What a nice small metal pipe 😁. I looking for this plane in 1:48 skill. Maybe in the future...
 2 January 2023, 15:19
Villiers de Vos
A beautiful little gem.
 2 January 2023, 17:14
Robert Podkoński Autor
Not yet, Mates. Thank you for your interest, nevertheless. Now I must grow confident enough to mask the canopy and windscreen...
 2 January 2023, 18:05
Marcin Dudek
How did I miss that... Following 👀
 12 January 2023, 15:40
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel warmly welcomed, Marcin! 🙂
 12 January 2023, 16:56
Villiers de Vos
The masking looks good to my eye.
 12 January 2023, 18:44
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Villiers, I've tried to do my best...
 12 January 2023, 20:06
Oh, that is so small that I overlooked it?! Another cabinet space saving beauty 👍
 12 January 2023, 21:47
Robert Podkoński Autor
That one is small indeed - no wonder as it is a close cousin of Yak-3 😉
 13 January 2023, 08:49
Jan Peters
I hadn't realised it is actually sitting on a matchbox... That really is small!
 13 January 2023, 13:37
Robert Podkoński Autor
 13 January 2023, 15:04
Ludvík Kružík
Even in 1:48 scale it is a small model. But in this scale it's a real hummingbird. And with the yellow tail, it looks really nice. 👍
 13 January 2023, 16:32
Robert Podkoński Autor
This was an unique plane - a 'real' jet fighter, but with civilian registration - in the late 1950' when Communist Party ruled Poland...
 13 January 2023, 16:47
Michael Kohl
 19 February 2023, 15:23
Guy Rump
Lovely build. 👍
 19 February 2023, 16:26
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you Michael and Guy 🙂
 19 February 2023, 17:51
Shar Dipree
Beautiful. Good work.
 13 March 2023, 08:07
Łukasz Gliński
Missed the finish phase, but it looks grand. Hope you don't need new glasses now? 😉
 13 March 2023, 09:36
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Mates, much appreciated 😉 Glasses? No....magnifiers 😄
 13 March 2023, 16:23
Jan Peters
Most excellent 👌🏻
Congratulations on this little one Robert!
Strong magnifying glasses are used on all my builds nowadays, I am having troubles with 72nd scale, so these small ones wouldn't be suitable for me 😂
 13 March 2023, 16:54
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Jan 🙂
 13 March 2023, 17:04
Patryk S.
Great little project. Congratulations!
 13 March 2023, 21:21
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Patryk. It is very kind of you 🙂
 13 March 2023, 21:46
Djordje Nikolic
Very nice and rare! Match made in heaven? 🙂
 15 March 2023, 07:20
Bartłomiej Rusiecki
 9 May 2023, 09:55
Robert Podkoński Autor
 9 May 2023, 12:44

Album info

Two world climb speed records on September, 21 1957: 3000 m - 119 sec.; 6000 m - 197 sec. Pilot Andrzej Abłamowicz

9 imagini
1:144 Yakovlev Yak-23 Flora (MikroMir 144-009)

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