Tommy Agne AutorSomething is wrong....🤔 ...!
27 January 2023, 20:42
Tommy Agne Autorterribly wrong...😬😪!
27 January 2023, 20:47
Tommy Agne AutorBingo Maciej.
27 January 2023, 20:48
Tommy Agne AutorMeng support 👍! Let's hit it...
27 January 2023, 20:53
Tommy Agne AutorThx Roland.
The Support will send me the missing piece.
5 February 2023, 14:10
Tommy Agne AutorThe missing Part hast finally arrived (two days ago). Now let the fun begin...😁.
18 February 2023, 10:09
SpanjaardBeautiful phantom, fantastic details
12 March 2023, 15:28
Maciej BellosGreat result Tommy! And boy, it was fast! I suppose no trouble with fit issues.
12 March 2023, 19:07
Tommy Agne AutorThank you Spanjaard and Maciej, apprecitate that 👍.
@ Maciej: You are absolutely right, no fit issues at all. It was very, very joy to build this kit (annotation, the Meng Support was great and without Trouble at all). I will definitly build the 'E' too.
12 March 2023, 19:59
Tommy Agne AutorThank you very much Roland ✌️👍.
15 March 2023, 20:54
Tommy Agne AutorThank you for dropping by Villers, apprecitate that 👍.
16 March 2023, 16:22