84 16 April 2023, 16:08

@Michael - it's home made mix 🙂 I usually use Bilmodel paints (polish manufacturer; something like Gunze C but ready for aero). I use a recipe:
paint # 51 - 1(0) drop(s) - signal white
paint # 74 - 2(0) drop(s) - PZL's light blue
paint # 76 - 4(0) drop(s) - PZL's signal green
paint # 81 - 2(0) drop(s) - PZL's sky blue
1 May 2023, 20:27

Great progress so far.
As for washes, I use mig neutral wash on light surfaces, which turns out fine for me.
3 May 2023, 10:37

This is why I'm holding off this build..,.so so much….I did the rockets complete with 6 stencils. EACH!.
3 May 2023, 11:52

This is a very succesful and good looking model, I like it a lot!
P.S: for the good overall quality and hard work on this model, I would have replaced those chunky radio altitude sensors included in the kit with nicer, finer ones (either self made from pulled styrene/sprue, or resin ones). I am talking about the green parts towards the wing tips (underside).
Question: what paper did you use to print your own decals for the canopy? The canopy looks very good overall. You didn't have any transaprency issues with the glass part when you applied the decals? Can you develop a little how you did it?
19 May 2023, 07:35

Question: what paper did you use ...
Answer: I use "Blue waterslide decal paper for laser printer" from Techmod as a base. Then I simply cut off the middle and outer areas of the decals (I leave only a thin strip with a seal). So you don't see any decal fragments, because there are none 🙂
19 May 2023, 19:07
Album info
MiG-21MF-75 - one of 20 MiG-21MFs delivered to Poland, produced at the Gorky factory. It was painted an unusual "dove" gray - as it turned out later with radar-absorbing paint. Armament as for a pair of duty aircraft.