Kinetic F/A-18D Hornet ATARS - VMFA(AW)-224
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16 17 April 2023, 02:31
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This was my 3rd (!!!) attempt at the Kinetic Hornet and the first one I finished. I'm not particularly happy with how the bombs came out, but other than that it's maybe my favorite of all the planes I've built.
I was originally going to do the tiger stripe scheme, but I'm no fan of giant decals, so I went with this one instead.
Eduard Litening pod
Flying Leathernecks wheels & lens stickers
GBU-31 & 38s from AMK
Bomb rack taken from a HobbyBoss Growler kit and rear instrument panel coaming from a Hasegawa Growler (the one provided by Kinetic is for a B model Hornet)
Stencil & navigation light decals from Squadron