Supermarine Seafire XV Royal Canadian Navy
Photo 1 of 19
19 17 April 2023, 21:11

Adding some scratch-built detail into an otherwise barren kit…
Just a couple pieces so the wheel-wells don't seem so empty.
Adding formers and stringers in the fuselage, along with an instrument panel and seat back plate.
I really like the red-coloured extra-thin cement from Ammo-By-MIG. Probably using a bit too much, but it's nice to actually see where I applied some…
21 April 2023, 16:14

Fuselage went together ok. No locating pins, so a bit of adjustment to try to line up the panel-lines of the fuselage before clamping.
The wings took a lot of trimming and feddling to get to sit properly. There was a large gap between the right fuselage and wing root, I filled this with some sheet styrene, otherwise the amount of filler required would have been way too much.
The horizontal stabilizers don't have any locating pins, or really any mounting guide at all. Butt-Joint-ed against the fuselage and placed 'hopefully' in the right spot.
7 May 2023, 22:18

Lost one of the kit wheels, not sure if it was in the box when I got it or not (2nd hand kit). Have a couple of the True Details Resin Wheels in the stash. Much better detail, and have the slightly bulge of a 'weightwd-wheel'.
11 May 2023, 18:37

I'm following your parallel builds and I totally admire your skills and your perseverance!
29 June 2023, 13:34

I totally admire Gordon's extended (and ever expanding) Spit collection...
30 June 2023, 02:54

Using a Montex mask, first time trying these out. Couldn't find one for this kit, so using one for an AZ Mk.I-V. They are vinyl, kinda of reminds me of black electrical tape.
3 November 2023, 21:08

Yea, I used them for my Potez 63, they really seem electrical tape!
Great progress 👍🏻
4 November 2023, 07:25

Used Humbrol 165 and 123. Thinned about 50/50 with Humbrol thinner. Seems to work OK.
Not 100% impressed with the black vinyl masks. Left glue patches when I removed them.
Need to do a few touch-ups before decalling.
31 January 2024, 22:30

Decals applied. Used numerous stencils and other markings from the spares box, and Royal Canadian Navy markings from AboveBelow Graphics.
This was originally going to be my entry in the 'Tarp' Groupbuild for the Just Making Conversation podcast. We were suppose to have them done and presented at Telford. Last year… Little late to the finish line, but pleased with the result.
12 March 2024, 23:20

Good things needs time 🙂
Don't worry Gordon, it's really a good result!
13 March 2024, 06:36