Roden 1/144 B-36D (Miss Featherweight, Carswell AFB)
Photo 1 of 17
46 18 May 2023, 01:37

Lovely clean, fabulous work on an engineering marvel!... Really cool and still looks big, even when small! 👍
18 May 2023, 07:59

I read your website build report and wow, you paid your dues on that one. Was looking at one of these but seeing your difficulties, I think I will skip it, especially for the price! That is a great metal finish. If that is your first one I can only say you did an amazing job. 👍
7 August 2023, 16:31

Hi John;
Don't let my experience discourage you, since in part it was due to my inexperience. Roden has some unique subjects. I have been building a more recently released kit (RC-135) and you can see that they are improving.
8 August 2023, 00:43

Very nice!
I have done their 141. My main issue with them is their decals. They are horrid. After market is a must IMO.
8 August 2023, 00:50

I agree, for the B-36 aftermarket decals are a must. But I have two other kits (an EC-135 under construction, and a C-133 in the stash) where the decals appear noticeably better. Maybe they are improving (I hope so)!
8 August 2023, 08:44
Album info
Roden B-36D, completed using Caracal decals and Academy display base. Painted with SMS and Alclad paints. The gun barrels were substituted with segments of tungsten wire, and rigging was added using UNI-Caenis thread. For a build report, please check