Char Peugeot 1918
34 18 June 2023, 02:38

Gave it a pin wash of lamp black. Gloss coated first, I've never done that before. Considering how to further dirty up the tracks - usually use pastels but I might use oils. Also need to do exhaust stains.
6 November 2023, 04:02

Used oils to rust the tracks. One more flat coat, pin the headlight on and I'll be close to done.
7 November 2023, 03:49

Thanks! This model had a lot of firsts for me. I used AK heavy chipping fluid for some parts, wear effects for other parts. I had never done that before. I also did a gloss coat before working with oil washes, had never done that before either. It made it possible to more precisely place color where I wanted it, I liked it. Finally, I used Vallejo flat coat to finish the project up, I'd never used that either. I've been looking for an acrylic replacement for dullcote, it seems to work great.
7 November 2023, 21:37

I've never used Vallejo paints as I've heard they can have issues spraying but maybe the flat coats are different.
I've used the Windsor & Newton Galeria Matte Varnish with good results (it's dead flat). Just thin with 20% water and some flow improver for airbrushing. I've tried isopropyl as well and it works too but can A) erode your paint underneath if it's Tamiya (learned the hard way) and B) start to "fog" if you lay it on too thick. Light mist with IPA works though.
I'm about to try some Green Stuff World Maxx Matt Varnish
2639 Maxx Matt Varnish Ultramate, Green Stuff World Matt, Acrylic, 17ml
But if Vallejo is working for you, stick with it. Strange that a decent acrylic matt coat is some sort of Holy Grail just after a metallic finish!
7 November 2023, 21:55

What do you use for an acrylic gloss coat? I have been using Tamiya X-22 gloss clear, but it's not really cost effective.
7 November 2023, 22:14

Also the Vallejo flat coat said "can be sprayed unthinned if you have a 0.4mm or larger airbrush nozzle" - I believed them, but I wish I hadn't. Maybe if you spray at 30psi. I was spraying at 25psi with my H&S and a 0.4mm nozzle and it was barely thin enough to spray. Next time I'll add some thinner.
7 November 2023, 22:17

I've been using X-22 as well, thinned 50% with Mr. levelling thinner. I agree it's not that cost effective. I would try future but it seems iffy on what decal solutions and such it will react with. I used some liquid canopy mask on a future-dipped canopy and it made the future turn milky. Alclad's aqua-gloss (acrylic) and klear coat (lacquer) work pretty well too.
8 November 2023, 00:08