The Battlefield - The Black Knight of Berlin (part 1)
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29 22 June 2023, 14:20

This one has been kicking around for a bit, but I decided to buckle down and start moving things off the shelf of doom. This project is based on the "Battlefield" (aka "the Cockpit") manga series by Leiji Matsumoto. It's in two parts. in the first part, the so-called Black Knight of Berlin shows chivalrous mercy to his opponents… and gets his Fw190 shot down by a P-51 Mustang for his trouble. In part two he gets in a jet black Me262 and shoots down the B-17 he first showed mercy to.
Likely the trickiest part of this project will be getting white homemade decals on a black Fw190.
23 June 2023, 05:47

Ok… we now have a black Fw190… now for some love for the Mustang… and Invasion stripes!
24 June 2023, 05:59

I always love adding the decals. It's amazing how much better they make a model look. Now to find some propellors...
26 June 2023, 15:05

Got the two planes mounted on the base, so mainly just a bit of wiring to do now. Almost had to deal with a disaster on the Mustang though. The four prop blades are glued into a 2-part nose. One of them wasn't properly secured in place, so when I connected the dc motor it flung one of the blades into orbit. I had to tear apart my monkey business room to try and locate a single 1/144 scale propellor blade. Luckily after a massive clean up and grid search effort… I found it next to the fish tank. 😉 Phew!
2 July 2023, 17:55

Haha! Thanks for that Matthew!
Just to prove that the props actually spin...
Youtube Video

You can even tell I got the prop spinning the right way because of the wind on the smoke cloud! 😉
4 July 2023, 18:58

I've also updated my blog with this project... if anyone is interested in reading the Leiji Matsumoto chapter from "The Cockpit" that this project is based on -
4 July 2023, 22:04
Album info
When the Black Knight of Berlin's code of honour is used against him and his Focke-Wulf Fw190 is shot down by a P-51 Mustang, he comes back with a vengeance in a new Messerschmitt Me262 and shoots down the American Boeing B-17 Bomber he had at first only disabled.