Albume (290)
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Saab SK 60B /60038, 3rd Squadron "Urban Gul", F21 wing in Lulea/ 1976
Proiect: Saab SK60 A/B - RM9
8 imagini
Saab SK 60A- 60072, Air Force Flying School F5 wing in Ljungbyhed 
Proiect: Saab SK60 A/B - RM9
10 imagini
Saab SK60 A/ 60043, f5 wing, Ljungbyhed Air Force Flying School 
Proiect: Saab SK60 A/B - RM9
12 imagini
Juno I Explorer I
.....the actual probe Explorer I, the "American Sputnik"... It orbited the earth from 1958 to 1970.
Proiect: Redstone Launcher
32 imagini
CAC Boomerang
Half-brothers (or sisters): You can only see their common ancestry from a distance - but it is there!
Proiect: CAC CA-13 Boomerang
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Arado Ar 196/ Revell / casted aluminium/ scratched partsThis album does not contain any images.