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Andreas (Andreas_S)

Albume (5)

Ultimele albume de proiecte

71 imagini
Progress in Design and build of VesikkoView album, image #66
Progress on my 1/72 scale Type II submarine Vesikko with interior. I finished the bow torpedo room today. I added the bu...
Proiect: Vesikko
1:72 Set for CV 707 Vesikko (RC Subs SKU-071)1:72 CV-707 Vesikko (Special Navy SN72004)
166 imagini
Type XXX with interior View album, image #1
Proiect: TYpe XXIII
1:35 Type XXIII U-Boat (Bronco CB35104)1:35 U-XXIII Standard War Version Set (RCSubs SKU-036)
9 imagini
Moebius ViperView album, image #1
1:32 Viper (Moebius Models 940)
145 imagini
S.M. U9View album, image #6
S.M. U9 by Das Werk with PE from RCSubs and some 3D-printed accessories by me. Crew is by Das Werk, too.
Proiect: S.M. U9
1:72 U-Boat SM U9 (Das Werk DW72001)1:72 SM U-9 - PE Detail Set (RCSubs SKU-092)1:72 SM U9 Deck Crew Set (Das Werk DWF012)1+
38 imagini
U.S.S. AlbacoreView album, image #1
1:350 USS Albacore AGSS-569 (MikroMir 350-036)