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Johne 69 (Johnes)

Albume (29)

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3 imagini
Tamiya Abrams with Mine Plow 1:35View album, image #2
When I build Heavy Metal I hear Heavy Metal and my neighborhood too If they want or Not :D
1:35 M1A1 Abrams (Tamiya 35158)1:35 M1A1/A2 MBT T-158LL 'Big Foot' Workable Track Link Set (Bronco AB3522)1:35 M1A1 (Eduard 35333)1+
6 imagini
Revell Bf109 G10 1:32View album, image #6
1:32 Messerschmitt Bf109G-10 Erla "Bubi" Hartmann (Revell 04888)1:32 Bf 109G-10 Cockpit Set (Aires 2193)1:32 Bf 109G-10 wheels (Eduard 632040)5+
75 imagini
P-51 Mustang trippleView album, image #74
1:72 P-51D Mustang (Revell 04148)1:72 North American P-51D Mustang (Tamiya 60749)1:72 P-51 B/C Mustang™ (Arma Hobby 70067)
66 imagini
Dragon Sd. KfZ 251/21View album, image #65
Proiect: Sd kfz 251
1:35 Sd.Kfz. 251/21 Ausf. D Drilling (Dragon 6217)1:35 Village Road With Ruined House (MiniArt 36020)
26 imagini
Amusing Hobby Bär 30,5cmView album, image #17
Daylight Pictures
Proiect: Amusing Hobby
1:35 30.5cm Mörser "Bär" (Amusing Hobby 35A014)
7 imagini
Airfix Avro ShackletonView album, image #1
1:72 Avro Shackleton AEW.2 (Airfix A11005)1:72 Shackleton - Late Exhausts (Quickboost QB 72 665)1:72 Shackleton AEW.2 (Eduard CX508)
26 imagini
Panzer III Dragon View album, image #16
1:72 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. N (Dragon 7386)

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27 imagini
Revell Strv. 122 View album, image #1
15 imagini
Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Tamiya View album, image #1
34 imagini
Spitfire Mk.IX C Revell View album, image #17
10 imagini
MIG 1.44 Zvezda View album, image #1
12 imagini
K1A1 Academy View album, image #1
12 imagini
Jagdpanther early Dragon View album, image #1
8 imagini
F 15 Eggplane HasegawaView album, image #1