8th Army
Airfix | Нет. 01709 | 1:72 (1:76)

- Фирма:
- Airfix
- Заголовок:
- 8th Army
- Число:
- 01709
- Масштаб:
- 1:76 1:72 on box
- Тип:
- Фигура
- Вышел:
- 1994 Новая коробка
- Тема:
- British soldiers (WW2) » Люди (Вторая мировая война) (Люди)
Ни у одного из наших партнёрских магазинов или товарищей нет этого продукта для продажи.
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Interesting that this version had the www address on the box. I can't help thinking its not accurate but happen to be told otherwise. The www and domains did not really get started until 95-96, so having it on the box was pretty innovative if that's correct.
14 October 2024, 02:09

Interesting. Can't seem to find airfix.com registration information prior to 1998. I wonder if the release date is incorrect.
14 October 2024, 02:14
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