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Тема начата Alister

Alister Curnow
добавил новый фотоальбом.
7 изображения
Hasegawa 1/48 AH-64D Apache US ArmyView album, image #1
Проект: AH-64D Apache US Army
1:48 AH-64D Apache Longbow `J.G.S.D.F.´ (Hasegawa 07242)1:48 AH-64 Apache - M230 Chain Gun barrel (30mm), pitot tubes and tail antenna (Master AM-48-125)1:48 AH-64D (Eduard EX022)1+
33 29 January 2022, 09:28
Clean and careful work! 👍
 29 January 2022, 10:13
Piotr Sarniński-Górecki
Great looking Apache ! Congrats !
 29 January 2022, 10:17
Alister Curnow Автор
thanks so much Neuling and Piotr! 🙂
 29 January 2022, 10:24
Simon Nagorsnik
imprssive work mate!, my respect for this!
 29 January 2022, 10:34
David R. Meizoso
Spot the differences between pics 1 and 4...Amazing.
 29 January 2022, 10:51
Rui S
Very Well done Clean build 👍
 29 January 2022, 19:27
Michael Kohl
I agree with the others. Looks like a build that doesn't have to be afraid of a macro lens.
 29 January 2022, 22:49
Jos Jansen
Another great build Alister...a real stunner 👍!
 29 January 2022, 23:43
Very nice work indeed 👏👏
 29 January 2022, 23:44
Alister Curnow Автор
thank you all very much everyone!
 30 January 2022, 00:51
Cristian A
very clean build, one of the nicest Apaches I have seen.
 17 April 2024, 20:38

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