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Тема начата Quichas

Gábor Bélik
will attend
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild in
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild

1. Январь 2016 до этих пор 31. Декабрь 2020
24 June 2014, 08:36
Gábor Bélik Автор
The Swedish CV-90C(?) Will roll out finally. 🙂With a UN paintjob hopefully. Will how it Will work out.
 24 June 2014, 08:38
Choppa Nutta
Hi Gabor, welcome aboard 🙂
not heard of this tank before, I look forward to seeing it come together 🙂
 24 June 2014, 08:58
Gábor Bélik Автор
Thanks. It is actually together 🙂 except a few bits. The tracks and the re-painting has to be done. It is sitting in my stash for 1,5 year by now. It is a modern AFV.
 24 June 2014, 09:13
Choppa Nutta
I look forward to the photos 🙂
 24 June 2014, 09:26
Gábor Bélik Автор
Correction CV90-40C.
 24 June 2014, 13:12
Urban Gardini
Correction Stridsfordon 9040C (CV9040C).
 24 June 2014, 13:16
Urban Gardini
 24 June 2014, 13:16
Gábor Bélik Автор
I copied it From the box 😄
 24 June 2014, 14:22
Urban Gardini
Well, it's commonly unknown that the Swedish armed branches don't use "dash" in their type numbers.
 24 June 2014, 14:25

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