Тема начата Chulo

Anyone else had issues with the decals on this kit? I’ve found them to be very fiddly and the grease, wrinkle and break incredibly easily. I’ve tried twice now, after ordering a replacement set from ICM, still have problems. Rarely had this problem before. Im really frustrated and considering scrapping the kit if I can’t find a solution.
29 October 2022, 13:20

I used Tamiya decals solution on the first and then Mr Hobby's on the second set of decals. Same problems with twisting, creasing, wrinkling and breaking. I've put the model back on the shelf for now and will move on to another kit.
30 October 2022, 13:50

If comparable with some of the newer Eduard and zvezda decals, as they look a bit similar in structure, I'd advice no decal solution as they are really thin and soft and just go with the plastic after slightly pressing it on.
You can always apply some medium afterwards if the result isn't good enough yet.
21 December 2022, 20:56

Thanks Peter, I think you are probably right. If I decide to write to ICM again for another replacement sheet I will definitely try placing them without decal softeners etc.
29 December 2022, 22:32

I placed them with Mr. Mark Setter which worked well but once they sat, it was not possible to move them without ripping them. They glued to the surface nearly instantly.
15 January 2023, 13:45

At this state I found the colors of the decals way off, so I accepted one misplaced and one ripped twice and finished the model anyway. After black panel wash also used a filter to darken everything and the matt clear coat I kind of like the colors better. Maybe I get another copy someday.
To give the digital camo another go I ordered foxbots masks für the Su-27 to use them on the Revell / Hasegawa Su-27 Flanker B 04319.
30 January 2023, 19:29

I have already built three models from this kit. Decals in this set are very thin but extremely durable, they fit beautifully on the model, just use micro set liquid and after drying micro sol. The problem is that unfortunately they do not show true colors. In my last kit I replaced them with Foxbot decals from IBG set.
1 February 2023, 11:39

Thanks for sharing your experiences guys. I'm going to check out the Foxbot site and see what they have there.
2 February 2023, 03:00

You can order their products at hannants, foxbot only does B2B.
Or super hobby, but since brexit happened you'll probably be better off trough hannants 😉
2 February 2023, 09:32