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Тема начата Jakko

Jakko ‌
добавил новый фотоальбом.
100 изображения
Churchill Mk. IV AVREView album, image #88
1:35 Churchill Mk.IV AVRE with SBG Bridge (AFV Club AF35342)1:35 Tank Tool & Equipment Boxes (Verlinden Productions 346)1:35 UK petrol cans (Resicast 35.2360)1+
73 20 March 2023, 20:01
Robert H.
cool, following 👍🏼
 23 March 2023, 20:55
Jakko ‌ Автор
Great 🙂
 23 March 2023, 21:26
Bruce Huxtable
Watching with interest 👍
 25 March 2023, 12:09
I like Pratchett, too 😉
 25 March 2023, 12:59
Jakko ‌ Автор
I happened to have them at hand on my workbench and decided I might as well use them 🙂 Sgt. Detritus turned out to be far too heavy, at twice the weight of these all by himself …

For those wondering, they're Micro Art Studio figures: SCM Search: Discworld (Comic Fantasy Series) Micro art*
 25 March 2023, 15:21
Pietro De Angelis
I also saw the article posted on missing-linx, amazing work, congrats!
 26 March 2023, 17:05
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks 🙂
 26 March 2023, 17:16
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
 26 March 2023, 19:12
Jakko ‌ Автор
Cool 🙂
 26 March 2023, 20:34
 14 May 2023, 19:56
Jakko ‌ Автор
Leuk dat je erbij bent, in dat geval 🙂
 14 May 2023, 20:05
Jakko ‌ Автор
Glad to have you along 🙂
 20 May 2023, 17:29
Michael Kohl
I have a soft spot for bridge layers (a Biber being the first model I bought and build when I restarted modelling), so I gotta follow this one. 🙂
 20 May 2023, 18:23
Jakko ‌ Автор
A Biber is on my "to build sometime before the end of the world"-list … this one first, though, and then a related subject 🙂
 20 May 2023, 20:10
Carlos Cisneros
Humbrol Authentics! Good man!
 23 May 2023, 04:07
Jakko ‌ Автор
I bought a whole bunch of them something like 15 years ago, mostly these two types of tin but even one or two with the very old tartan stripes — see robdebie.home.xs4all.nl/models/humbrol.htm 🙂 And as you might expect, even though these tins are something like 35–50 years old by now, after some lengthy and vigorous, yet careful, stirring, they're still perfectly usable. The only problem is that I don't really WANT to use them because they will run out eventually and there is no replacement 🙁
 23 May 2023, 09:09
Mr James
Fantastic documentation of the build. Following too.
 28 May 2023, 20:41
Jakko ‌ Автор
I moved all the bridge images to the separate album for that: SBG Assault Bridge | Album by Jakko (1:35) — I had put them in the one for the AVRE because I had forgotten I had made the other one as well …
 1 June 2023, 12:28
Following, I've had my eye on this kit
 2 June 2023, 17:38
Jakko ‌ Автор
I would very much recommend it — just not as your first-ever 1:35 scale armour kit 😉 Like all AFV Club kits it needs a good degree of experience, but if you have that, it'll build into a very good model, IMHO.
 2 June 2023, 20:15
I couldn't tell if there is any brass that comes with the kit. Is there any photo etch that comes with it, or is it all plastic?
 3 June 2023, 20:18
Jakko ‌ Автор
There's a small sheet of etched parts, for things like the sight "cage" on the turret roof (won't be on my model because the real tank seems to have lacked it), stops for the driver's hatch, straps for the oil cans on the rear mudguards, etc.
 4 June 2023, 09:13
Thanks Jakko. Really enjoying watching the build unfold!
 4 June 2023, 11:58
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks 🙂 BTW, you can check the instructions that I uploaded to this site to see where exactly the etched bits go. IMHO they've been used sensibly, in that they're only for parts where they will make an actual difference in appearance.
 4 June 2023, 17:17
Amazing! What's the actual height of the elevated bridge? Suddenly Captain Carrot and friends don't seem like they would be enough!
 5 June 2023, 22:31
Michael Kohl
Very nice progress
 6 June 2023, 08:12
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks. I didn't measure the height when I hooked them up last night, but the real bridge was about 10 m long, so in 1:35 that's around 29 cm; it's held at approximately 45° meaning the model is in the order of sin(45°) × 29 cm = 21 cm high, plus ca. 1 cm that the pivot point will be above the ground when the model is on its tracks.

The model is still resting on the styrofoam here, but the counterweight I put into the rear of the hull is clearly enough. If it wasn't, the whole thing would have tilted forward along the edge of the foam 🙂

I do wonder where I'm going to keep this, though …
1  6 June 2023, 08:34
Villiers de Vos
a very interesting subject, very nice progress.
 9 June 2023, 14:41
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks 🙂 Construction is now pretty much done, just painting left …
 9 June 2023, 17:03
Michael Kohl
Just... 🙂
 9 June 2023, 17:04
Jakko ‌ Автор
Exactly 🙂
 9 June 2023, 20:02
Mr James
Really brilliant stuff going on. Great amount of details added followed with a great paint and weathering job.
 23 July 2023, 16:24
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks, though I didn't add much detail to the model at all — nearly all of it is straight from the box 🙂
 23 July 2023, 17:01
Robert Podkoński
Looks awesome already. Fantastic job so far, Jakko!
 24 July 2023, 17:49
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks 🙂 Not much more to do now … I need to wait for some glue and paint to dry, then I can hook the bridge to the tank, winch it up, and connect the cable to the block. A little bit more painting, and then all it needs is a figure — which I have on order, so I can't fit that just yet.
 24 July 2023, 20:12
Just keeps getting better
 24 July 2023, 20:23
Bruce Huxtable
Very impressive work, in all departments! Superb!
 25 July 2023, 06:47
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thank you both 🙂
 25 July 2023, 08:31
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic details and finiture, awesome job, congrats!
 25 July 2023, 11:45
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thank you too 🙂
 25 July 2023, 11:55
Jakko ‌ Автор
Now I got the bridge attached to the tank, I can definitively answer @Doubtingmango's question from a while ago: the whole model is 20.5 cm high when assembled, about 45 cm long, and 10 cm wide 🙂
 25 July 2023, 18:29
That is a model that demands a very tall display case for protection!
 25 July 2023, 18:31
Jakko ‌ Автор
My "display" models go on top of a tall storage cabinet, so they're out of the way unless somebody goes and stands on a chair 🙂
 25 July 2023, 20:25
Michael Kohl
I definitely like what I see.
 25 July 2023, 21:38
Mejora a cada foto
 25 July 2023, 21:59
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress on your model.
 26 July 2023, 08:46
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks, all 🙂
 26 July 2023, 09:08
Jakko ‌ Автор
And it's done! 🙂
 9 August 2023, 19:39
Guy Rump
Excellent build, congrats!
 9 August 2023, 19:43
Un trabajo magnífico.... Tremendo!!!!
 9 August 2023, 21:46
One of the most impressive builds that I've seen on this site. Well done!
 10 August 2023, 01:08
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work and a careful construction record.
 10 August 2023, 01:28
I agree with Doubtingmango and Villiers!
 10 August 2023, 08:21
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thank you all 🙂 I enjoyed building it — well, for the most part, anyway 😉 — and I'm kind of amazed that the bridge hasn't collapsed yet …
 10 August 2023, 08:41
Danny Ray
That's fantastic. Is the boom stuff a kit or is that scratch built? Love your projects. A lot are a bit different and not just a standard build. Although standard stuff is good, yours is just that bit more interesting!
 22 December 2024, 11:36
Danny Ray
Who would've guessed there's a whole mini Discworld diorama going on inside this model? See what I mean about being interesting? I'd have put a lump of lead inside, you put a parallel universe in for your added mass! 🙂
 22 December 2024, 11:44
Jakko ‌ Автор
The bridge is included in the kit — AFV Club already had a Churchill AVRE, and then released this one with the bridge and its associated equipment, plus the wading trunks. The only things I really had to add was the waterproofing, which is a bit unfortunate because ALL Churchills that had the wading trunks on, would have had all of this fabric etc. too — yet the vast majority of these kits that will be built with them, will have only the trunks. But IRL, those were almost the first things to be dropped once the tank was ashore, and the fabric only removed after …

BTW, the Discworld figures safely returned to their normal place in my hobby room after checking out the tank 🙂
 22 December 2024, 12:07
Danny Ray
Oh, I thought they were entombed forever lol 🙂
1  22 December 2024, 14:52
Ben M
Sad. I would liked to have peeked at them through the open hatches.
2  22 December 2024, 14:54
Jakko ‌ Автор
>I thought they were entombed forever lol 🙂

One of them accidentally walks through closed doors and even walls when she's not paying attention, another punches holes through reality if it has to … How exactly would you expect them to stay entombed in the tank? 😉
1  22 December 2024, 18:29
Danny Ray
Hahahaha touché!!
1  24 December 2024, 14:44
David Taylor
Definitely not a bridge too far.
2  24 December 2024, 14:54
Very impressive build!
2  24 December 2024, 15:02
Jakko ‌ Автор
Thanks 🙂

> Definitely not a bridge too far.

That came before this, they had learned by then 🙂
1  24 December 2024, 18:16

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