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Тема начата Templar1099

Mathias Decommere
добавил новый фотоальбом.
14 изображения
Motorcycle crew - sculptedView album, image #11
1:35 Sd.Kfz. 223 Leichter Panzerspähwagen Funk (HobbyBoss 82443)1:35 3.7cm Anti-Tank Gun (PaK 35/36) (Sun Pla Model 3)1:35 Tank Crew (Alanger 35241)2+
11 13 August 2023, 21:20
Mathias Decommere Автор
I couldn't help it, after watching the sculpting video's David R. meizoso tipped me, I was eager to try sculpting other figures for future projects. I'll try to sculpt a panzercrew who flees a damaged panzerspähwagen funk.
 13 August 2023, 21:26
Michael Kohl
Mathias, do you mind sharing a link to the videos as I couldn't find them?
 14 August 2023, 08:04
Mathias Decommere Автор
Offcourse Michael: Youtube Video
 14 August 2023, 12:15
Michael Kohl
 14 August 2023, 18:21
David R. Meizoso
...and so begins a saga of great sculpters! All 3 figures look great!
 14 August 2023, 19:43
Mathias Decommere Автор
O man, I really enjoy this! It's what I intended to do from the start of this hobby. Living the dream!
 14 August 2023, 22:35
Bobby Thumbs
Mathias you are on some next level modelling shit now. I'm still trying to paint a straight line
 3 September 2023, 01:35
Mathias Decommere Автор
Keep it up with the practice Bobby, you make allready very nice pieces! Patience is key!
 3 September 2023, 06:46
Bruce Huxtable
You clearly have an eye for this, Mathias. Very convincing 'weight' and 'effort' being conveyed.
 3 September 2023, 07:19
David R. Meizoso
Wow, they look so real already!
 3 September 2023, 07:56
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thank you very much Bruce and David, I must say I'm a bit surprised myself how smoothly it went already. But still a lot to learn as well offcourse.
 3 September 2023, 12:29
Mathias Decommere Автор
I decided to transform them into motorcycle crew in favour of the diorama's story
 26 March 2024, 21:25

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