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Тема начата Dark Prophet

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226 изображения
Nr. 13 - Arado Ar (E) 555View album, image #226
1:72 Arado Ar (E) 555 (Revell 04367)
129 20 November 2023, 21:56
Mr James
That is one impressive paint job. Excellent skills shown with an airbrush 🙂
 20 November 2023, 23:28
Bernd Grün
Schönes Modell, Simon! Exzellente Lackierung, Glückwunsch! 👌👌
 21 November 2023, 07:29
Hey Simon, richtig richtig gut!! Vor allem auch die Grundierung nach dem Verschleifen (Bild 1). Mega!!!
 21 November 2023, 07:46
Cool scheme! Well done
 21 November 2023, 14:07
John Thomas
Very nice
 21 November 2023, 14:08
Simon Автор
Thank you very much guys!!

Vielen Dank Bernd und Chris!! Als nächstes werden die Markierungen auf den Seitenleitwerken und den Tragflächen gesprayt!! 🙂
 21 November 2023, 20:49
Ben M
fun project. you should paint a giraffe next 🙂
 29 November 2023, 22:54
Simon Автор
Yes, certain similarities in the camouflage pattern cannot be denied. 🙂 It wasn't really the intention, it was supposed to be a mix of larger and smaller patches. But I still like it now. 🙂
 30 November 2023, 05:47
Ben M
It looks really remarkable. You have constant density for all the patches. Skills!
 30 November 2023, 19:37
Simon Автор
Thanks Ben! 🙂
 2 December 2023, 17:56
Cool camo, nice paint job 👍
 13 December 2023, 10:57
Simon Автор
Thank you Alberto 🙂 Now i have to repaint the engines/intakes/nozzles.
 13 December 2023, 15:08
Jan Peters
Beautiful camouflage pattern you have painted here!
 13 December 2023, 15:28
Simon Автор
Thank you very much!! 🙂 That pushes me to go on with the repainting of the intake / nozzle part! 🙂
 13 December 2023, 18:32
Great scheme. This looks great!!!
 13 December 2023, 20:58
Simon Автор
Thank you Vincent! 🙂
 14 December 2023, 21:05
I love this kit, it was one of my favorite to build. You have done a masterful job on that camo. Looks great.
 8 February 2024, 07:06
This is the best Arado 555 I've seen, and I've seen many. What paint did you use to achieve that excellent finish?
 8 February 2024, 16:32
Simon Автор
Many thanks to you both! I'm really pleased that you like the paintwork! The project has already taken a lot of time so far. At first I thought it would be a quick job, but in the end the sanding, re-engraving and the countless thin layers of paint have taken a lot of time. Probably also because I watch series on the side 🙂

@HSC1932: I now only use Vallejo colours, mostly the Model Air colours if available. I also thin them a lot now: 4:2:3 (Flow Improver : Thinner : Paint). For the two main colours I used Vallejo MA 71.257 Light Blue RLM76 and MA 71.259 Grey Violet RLM75.
 8 February 2024, 18:27
Hans-Jürgen Haag
👍👍Sieht heiß aus das Teil, besonders die Camouflage, hast du da ein Netz drüber gelegt und drüber gesprüht?
 8 February 2024, 18:41
Simon Автор
Moin Hans-Jürgen! Vielen Dank!! Ne, das habe ich mit ganz wenig Druck, geringem Abstand und der Politik der ruhigen Hand gemacht! 😉
 8 February 2024, 18:43
Michael Kohl
Top paint job.
 9 February 2024, 09:43
Simon Автор
Vielen Dank Michael!!
 13 February 2024, 08:37
One word - AMAZING!
 8 April 2024, 21:32
Simon Автор
Thank you very much CaptGPF!!! 🙂
 10 April 2024, 13:55
Secretary at ESSMC
Love the paint job - looks "submarine"
Great kit - see mine from a few years ago..SCM Search: roger trewenack arado*
I'll keep watching your work!
 13 April 2024, 07:39
Simon Автор
Thanks Mr. Secretary! 😅 Now that you mention it, it does look a bit like a ray. A ray with giraffe skin. 😁 Your Arado looks great too! What an idea with the camouflage. 👍🏼
 13 April 2024, 12:09
Ben M
A girayffe if you will.
 16 April 2024, 00:45
Simon Автор
They are incredibly good at snorkelling! 🤣
 16 April 2024, 05:21
 26 July 2024, 06:16
Guy Rump
Looking good, like the different camo. 👍
 26 July 2024, 09:48
Johne 69
Nice paintjob 👍
 4 October 2024, 10:15
Simon Автор
Thanks a lot mates. I urgently need to continue with the Arado. In the meantime, I had already applied all the decals. But I had actually bought a new kit of the Ar 555 because the old decals were partly printed with misalignment. In general, the new decals were of much better quality. Next up is another coat of gloss varnish to protect against the subsequent oil wash.
 6 October 2024, 09:57
Kesa Tiho
Sehr nett
 10 November 2024, 12:27
Guy Rump
Lovely job! 👍
 10 November 2024, 18:35
Rui S
Beutifully done clean build 👍
 10 November 2024, 23:10
Taylor Durbon
Toller Baubericht!
 14 November 2024, 01:43
Tolle Arbeit. Ein Meisterstück.
 14 November 2024, 11:13
Ingo Fuchs
Deine Arado gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut!
Ich hatte das Teil beim Erscheinen der ersten Auflage gebaut, wobei meine Lackierung längst nicht so gut ausgesehen hatte....
Stichwort Lack:
Reifen und Bomben finde ich persönlich deutlich zu glänzend; Planst du da noch was?
 14 November 2024, 21:35
Simon Автор
Vielen Dank Euch für das Lob!! 🙂 Mit ca. 100 Bastelabenden hat mich das Projekt auch deutlich länger beschäftigt als zu Beginn angenommen.
Zum Thema Reifen und Bomben Ingo: Ja tatsächlich, die Reifen glänzen tatsächlich stärker als der Rest. War gar nicht so gewollt. Ich hatte diese Teile auch mit mattem Klarlack besprüht aber offensichtlich viel zu zaghaft!
Vllt. werde ich, wenn ich beim nächsten Projekt (Eduard Spitfire) mit mattem Lack arbeiten muss, nochmal ein, zwei Schichten matten Lack auftragen um es stärker zu mattieren.
 15 November 2024, 07:51

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