Тема начата Alister

добавил новый фотоальбом.
24 4 January 2024, 01:44

Thank you everyone. Very kind! My first car, learnt a lot and will be back for more. Really enjoyed it. 🙂
6 January 2024, 10:15

My dad had this exact car. I have fond memories of washing it with him. Lovely build.
6 January 2024, 15:51

This is a really nice built! Sweet. Do you have pictures of the interior?
19 December 2024, 11:06

Very well done, looks like it could be the pictures from the box art!
1 19 December 2024, 16:06

My apologies Christian W, I didn't think to take the top off and photograph the inside when I finished builing it. It now lives with someone else so I don't have access to it any more.
Thanks very much Christian, Mark, Villiers and Alexander!
2 23 December 2024, 10:50