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Тема начата DaveWinter

David Winter
Uuugggg.... so they have a Lancaster at 1:32, but then go and release this in 1:35. Yes I know the difference is minuscule and 99% of people won't notice, but still. The bomber series has been established at 1:32, just stick to it.
Heinkel He 111 H-6
Border Model 1:35
BF-0xx-2024A 2024* Новая разработка
3 17 January 2024, 19:33
That is discussed recently a lot, but Border Model has not started it. The SM database has nearly 300 full kits in group "Aircraft" in 1:35 so this is nothing new. That scale is more used for dioramas so you can find more figures, cars and accessories compared to 1:32.
 17 January 2024, 19:40
David Winter Автор
Of that 290 1:35 scale aircraft kits listed here, 260 of them are the same few helicopter kits just reboxed many times over the years. The only non-rotorwing kits are for obscure drones in resin kits (which would make sense for a diorama) or kits from the 1960s that haven't sold well enough to reissue. The remainder are small civilian craft like Cessna's, again kits from the 60s that didn't warrant reissue.

If you're going to manufacture a more mainstream aircraft subject, like the He111, stick to one of the mainstream scales - 1:72, 1:48, 1:32, or 1:24
 18 January 2024, 14:18
Yes, you are right. So don't buy it.

On the other hand they are free to release what they want. And if there are enough 1:35 dudes who buy this kit (I don't know the number), they will have done everything right from a business point of view. If not, it's there own fail and will prevent such future releases.
 18 January 2024, 14:28
Sebastian Meyner
Sorry mate, but I'm with bughunter on this one: If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Btw, calling (Airfixes ...) 1:24 aircraft kits mainstream, is a bit of a stretch. Airfix is, as far as I know, the only big company who still releases newly tooled kits this scale. The fact that you have all of Airfix's 1:24 aircraft kits in your stash, doesn't make it mainstream.... just saying 😉
 18 January 2024, 15:38
David Winter Автор
Hey buddy, you not being able to afford the large scales doesn't make them not mainstream. Airfix will sell an order of magnitude more 1:24 Spits than Border will sell of this kit. Borders biggest claim to fame is screwing up the Lancaster, so I'm not surprised they'd screw up their Heinkel. just saying 😉
 18 January 2024, 23:47
Sebastian Meyner
Aww, I'm sorry! Did I hit a nerve there? After double checking my own stash, I don't think money is my (....or the general) issue here.

At the end of the day it boils down to, "do you want the product a company is putting on the market or not". If the answer is yes, go ahead and have fun with it. If not, just move on and don't throw a tantrum because other people like different things than you do.
 19 January 2024, 03:26
OMG, people! If anyone wants to do dioramas with ARMOUR and planes, Border releasing 1:35 He111's, Stuka's, BF-109's is a dream come true!!
 20 January 2024, 00:15
Bill Birkman
Its time to get rid of the odd ball 1/32 and go with 1/35 for aircraft. If I'm not mistaken Tamiya is the one that screwed up the scales many many years ago. I will be sure to add one to my stash.
 21 January 2024, 18:31
Jeff C.
I love it. There are plenty of softskins that could be placed in an airfield diorama. There are more 1/35 vehicles and accessories available than 1/32 scale. I have the Border Stuka and Tristar Fieseler Storch. I have the 1/35 Bronco Rosie the Rocketeer kit also. Way to go Border.
 31 January 2024, 20:35
Anyone heard any updates on release date for this?
 11 August 2024, 23:28
Ben M
Gauge 1 railway stuff gives you trains, non military vehicles, and buildings in 1:32 but I don't see people take advantage of this.
 12 August 2024, 01:32
Ben M
There's also some old monogram military kits that are 1:32
 12 August 2024, 01:47
Jeff C.
Those old Monogram kits are great to build for nostalgic reasons but are very basic and inaccurate. They are basically, along with Tamiya, why I started building armor.
 15 August 2024, 23:50
Ben M
Same. I recently picked up a mostly complete m3 Lee, which was the first non-snaptite armor kit I built.
 16 August 2024, 03:04

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