Тема начата Stikpusher

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38 10 March 2024, 21:00

Looks interesting. My only question is - did the US ever produce any of these AA LAVs?
11 September 2024, 06:23

Definetly one of the most interesting variants of the LAV... Following along here 👍
11 September 2024, 08:20

Tom & Capt, thanks for looking in and your kind words.
Capt, the US did indeed produce and field a handful of LAV-ADs. Roughly enough for one platoon in each LAR battalion. They were withdrawn from service in the early 2000's after having seen use in OIF1. I suspect that in todays renewed air threat environment, the decision to remove the system from service is seen as shortsighted.
11 September 2024, 12:19

Not surprised about that…. Thanks to Drones, that decision seems even more shortsighted!
11 September 2024, 22:12

Thank you sir! Now I just need more free time to get this puppy all finished.
4 November 2024, 01:43

Thank you Kesa. But I would recommend/suggest the Trumpeter kit over this one… it includes many of the details that Italeri neglected and I added in my own…
22 November 2024, 23:41

Kesa, let's just say you won't be disappointed in the Trumpeter LAV kits. 😉
Guy, thank you. Not too much longer left for me to go on this one...
23 November 2024, 18:40