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Тема начата William Adair

William Adair
добавил новый фотоальбом.
32 изображения
Jeannin Taube scratchbuild, 1/144View album, image #29
107 29 May 2024, 11:47
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
That is art! I have to take a first row seat here and see the progress. Very impressive 👍
 29 May 2024, 13:26
certainly not going to miss thus master class
 29 May 2024, 13:31
Dave Flitton
Wow, watching!!
 29 May 2024, 13:51
Right on!
 29 May 2024, 14:33
Greg Baker
Oh, sign me up. I'd watch F_IV do the laundry.
 29 May 2024, 14:39
Robert Podkoński
I will follow this talent show with pleasure.
 29 May 2024, 14:45
Lovely work.
 29 May 2024, 14:52
Michael Kohl
Surely another build that will leave me speechless and striving to come closer to this level.
 30 May 2024, 10:32
William Adair Автор
Omg thanks everyone. You guys are the best! I'm interested to see how this one comes out. I'll add more progress soon. 🤞
 31 May 2024, 04:45
Ludvík Kružík
I like old planes from the early days of aviation. Your scrathbuild is fantastic. I admire how you can render all the little details in this scale. I wish you continued success in building this model and look forward to the sequel.
 31 May 2024, 08:49
Bruce Huxtable
Your talents are beyond my comprehension.... Totally amazing scratch building 🙂 This little gem is already gorgeous🙂
 31 May 2024, 17:16
Shar Dipree
Great work so far! 👍👍👍👍
 31 May 2024, 17:22
Another great little bird in that microscopic scale 👍
 31 May 2024, 19:07
William Adair Автор
Added a new pic. Starting on the cockpit details 👌
 10 June 2024, 03:12
Bruce Huxtable
More micro-perfection. Astonishing 🙂
 10 June 2024, 06:50
Michael Kohl
By the way: will your book be available in Telford in November?
 10 June 2024, 08:04
William Adair Автор
Hi Michael, I'm not sure. It should be out by then but I don't know if any sellers will be stocking it. I live in Australia unfortunately, so Telford is well outside my maximum range 😢
 11 June 2024, 22:42
William Adair Автор
Added the large control wheel to the pilot's cockpit from soldered wire and heat curved sprue. I like the little brass hub in the middle 🙂
 15 June 2024, 09:52
You seem to have really good control over your soldering. What tools do you have? That control wheel is impressive.
 15 June 2024, 16:59
The many years training to be a jeweler probably helps. 😄
 15 June 2024, 17:07
William Adair Автор
@Skyhiker I have an inexpensive soldering iron from an electronics store. It is nothing special, but the best thing I have is liquid soldering flux. Using that allows the solder to grab the surface and stick without requiring too much heat or flooding the area with solder.

@gorby Being a jeweller helped at first. But now I am finding that the modelmaking is helping me be a better jeweller! 👍
 23 June 2024, 12:51
Alec K
Outstanding work! The book is on order 👍
 24 June 2024, 12:57
William Adair Автор
Wow, thank you Alec! Hopefully it will be in your mailbox soon 🙏
I added a few more pics. Test fitting the undercarriage and one of the prototype wheels.
 7 July 2024, 14:38
Christian Bruer
Outstanding craftsmanship. I really like your tiny scratch built projects 👍
 7 July 2024, 19:55
Michael Kohl
Me too.
But obviously he doesn't show how he did the wheels to prevent us from fainting. 😉
 7 July 2024, 20:03
I just don't get how its possible. Really man, you need to get a life or something. This shit is just way too good!
 7 July 2024, 21:16
Mr D
Wow, what scale👌, l struggle to build a 1:72 without breaking of a tail wheel or antenna 🤣.
Really nice n interesting subject 👍👍
 7 July 2024, 23:13
Where do you get your blueprints?
 7 July 2024, 23:17
William Adair Автор
@Michael Kohl, I made an album about the wheel back in January, showing the stages of construction. Spoked wheel test, 1/144 | Album by F_IV
@Skyhiker, Windsock Datafiles provide the best drawings. I also use the 3-view drawings from the Wingnut Wings kit for some areas.
 8 July 2024, 04:09
Zbynek Honzik
A masterpiece is being created here!!! Scratchbuild at this scale and this quality! Unbelievable! Bravo! 👏👏👏
 8 July 2024, 06:32
Great progress 👍
I have a kit in 1:48, but your build looks much better and has more details!
 8 July 2024, 16:34
William Adair Автор
Thank you, it's slowly coming along. Adding more details now that the main components are painted. It's always my favourite part of a build. 🙂
 6 August 2024, 12:41
Mr D
Great " Little" project this one, brilliant work 👍👍
 6 August 2024, 17:21
Ludvík Kružík
That's beyond me. How can you make such perfect little things in this mini scale? You have my great admiration. 👍
 6 August 2024, 22:07
Alec K
Same here! Paint looks superb 👍
 7 August 2024, 12:45
Łukasz Gliński
Can't agree more w/Ludvik, my Eyeballs Mk.I woudln't allow that. What Mark are you using? 😉
 7 August 2024, 20:10
William Adair Автор
Lol, my eyesight is rubbish these days. I'm using +6 reader glasses from ebay to compensate 😉
Added a picture of the new seatbelts, made from .1mm wire and painted cigarette paper. 👍🏿
 1 September 2024, 11:18
Alec K
Wow, those seatbelts! My copy of your book is finally shipping, can't wait. And I empathize with your eyesight woes: i am +3 on glasses plus +2 on optivisor 😢
 1 September 2024, 12:41
Bruce Huxtable
Beyond astonishing! If ever I need a Brain Surgeon....
 1 September 2024, 12:47
William Adair Автор
Added the surface texture to the cowling using a sharp Pearl-grey pencil and an aqueous satin clear coat to seal it 👍
 24 September 2024, 06:08
Roland Sachsenhofer
Boah! This is the best thing I've seen so far - thank you for this pleasure! I will definitely follow it.
 24 September 2024, 06:41
Michael Kohl
Surface textures as this are rarly seen done convincingly. Yours is an excellent one.
 24 September 2024, 10:23
Robert Podkoński
You're a wizard, William... this is all far beyond my sight abilities, not only my skills...
 24 September 2024, 10:55
Ludvík Kružík
Phenomenal project! What you are doing here in this mini scale is amazing. 👍 You don't see this kind of detail work too often even on larger models.
I suppose giving fleas horseshoes isn't a challenge for you. 😉
 24 September 2024, 11:04
Alec K
Excellent progress. I have finally received, and am about halfway through reading, William's excellent book. To those interested in how he does what you see in this album, I can wholeheartedly recommend it. I am certainly planning to incorporate many of his techniques into my own scratchbuilt projects. How he does what he does in 1:144 scale is still a mystery to me (although the book supplies hints 😉), but they are applicable across any scale really. Well done!

 24 September 2024, 14:02
Ben M
Good to see this one come up again. The "giraffe" finish on the metal nose is perfect.
 24 September 2024, 15:43
Here you have the link, without tracking part.... fonthill.media/colle..roducts/ww1-in-scale
 24 September 2024, 18:14
Christian Bruer
This is such an amazing work. I much admire you skills doing such a crips and fine work in scale onefourfour 👍
 24 September 2024, 18:47
William Adair Автор
Thanks guys for the very kind words. It's been a huge challenge but it is slowly getting there!
@Alec, I'm so happy that you are enjoying the book. I just got my copy the other day too 🙂
 29 September 2024, 13:42
Mr D
The scalpel blade really shows the scale, be no good for my chunky hands, l stick to 144 to my small scale 🤣🤣
Good quality for it's size., No reason to run out of room Building at this scale 👌😁👍
 29 September 2024, 15:42
Greg Baker
I always blink twice when I see William's builds... tiny little beauties! As a 1/144 scale fan, they warm my heart.
 29 September 2024, 16:20
Zbynek Honzik
I just keep looking fascinated at the next procedure and say BRAVO! 👏👏👏
This defies the normal laws of physics...
 30 September 2024, 05:01
Matthew A
My copy of your book just arrived. Wow! One question - where do you get your two foot long matchsticks from? 😋
 4 October 2024, 16:35
William Adair Автор
Lol, right across the road from Giant Coin World 😛
Hoping to be ready to start the rigging in a few more weeks (if all goes well). Added a new header pic, showing where it started, versus where it is now .
 30 October 2024, 10:28
Erik Off
How do you hold/fix such tiny parts to work on them?
Wow, just wow. Oo
 30 October 2024, 10:46
Michael Kohl
Truly amazing.
 30 October 2024, 11:01
William Adair Автор
Hi Erik, cheers! Sometimes I just use a tiny dab of water to hold parts while I am test fitting them or getting ready to glue. The capillary action holds the parts while I'm swapping hands from tweezers to glue. Since I started doing that, I've spent 75% less time on the floor looking for lost parts. Other times I make a simple holding jig from scrap plastic to align parts. It saves a ton of time and frustration.
 30 October 2024, 11:04
Mike Szwarc
Amazing tiny work! Beautiful!!
 30 October 2024, 11:18
Alexander Grivonev
Work of art
 30 October 2024, 11:19
 30 October 2024, 12:28
Bruce Huxtable
Pure jewelry 😍
 30 October 2024, 18:19
Mr D
Been an inspiration and learning experience watching.
I like the odd 1:144 but this is next level X2 🤣
Great well done 👍👍
 30 October 2024, 21:48
Rui S
Excellent 👍
 30 October 2024, 22:55
breathtaking, wow....
 6 November 2024, 14:28
Bernhard Schrock
No longer „just model making" but model building art! Chapeau!
 6 November 2024, 16:57
Shar Dipree
Great! 👍
 6 November 2024, 18:06
Mr D
It's very cleaver build, you would make a good watch maker 🤣
Can't believe how small, lm working on a 1:144 and this would fit on the wing 😲🤣
Brilliant 😁👍
1  6 November 2024, 21:17
William Adair Автор
Hey thanks! Looking forward to getting it finished. Added some more details to the engine. Working on the spoked wheels now.
 6 January, 03:51
LucLuke B
Splendid work.
1  6 January, 07:35
William Adair Автор
Made a set of spoked wheels in 1/144. Might split some atoms later, IDK...
1  8 January, 11:25
Alexander Grivonev
You sir are a freking madman. This level of detail at this scale....insane👍 How the hell did you make those spokes?
 8 January, 11:26
Alexander Grivonev
Okay, found the how to do album. Madness...
 8 January, 11:29
Rui S
Yap. Unbelievable 👍
 8 January, 11:31
This is truly a wonderful piece of work! I'm happy to see the works I liked on X here!
 8 January, 11:38
Robert Podkoński
I am speechless...
 8 January, 14:25
Roland Sachsenhofer
Just am able to say: as well-speechless.....!!
 8 January, 15:01
Mr D
😮😯😲 Outstanding 👍
1  8 January, 15:13
I can only say: speechless too!
 8 January, 16:04
William, I remember our discussion after my spoked wheels on the Aviatik - I'm glad that you worked out finally a way to do this in 1:144! As I said years ago, if someone can do this in this little scale than it's you! 😉
2  8 January, 16:43
I think I can speak for all of us... We are amazed.
2  8 January, 17:39
Alec K
Let's talk about the diameter of that spoked little wonder… 👍
 9 January, 01:08
Mike Thomas
The wheel is ok but I'm really impressed by the size of that match! 😉 (Absolutely fantastic work on the model, too!)
1  9 January, 12:54
Lex Jassies
Microsurgeon by profession? Woow!
 9 January, 15:15
William Adair Автор
Idiot in my spare time 😅
 10 January, 10:03
Mike I think you might be onto something. William are you scamming us by making a GIANT match? Lol
1  10 January, 20:10
William Adair Автор
Massive firepower! 😛
 11 January, 09:21
Jakub Fiala
Incredible beauty! 👍 I noticed your builds on FB, but i didn´t know you were a member of scalemates. Following for sure. From now on forever 🙂
1  11 January, 09:38
Michael Kohl
I aquired Williams book on scratchbuild WW I-planes in scale 1:144 in Telford and can only highly recommend it. Some nice techniques shown and explained there - and other spectacular builds too, of course.
4  11 January, 10:08
i am have the book on my list, if I go to UK I will get it . unfortunately, shipping and taxes to receive it in EU cost more than the book itself 🙁
1  11 January, 20:58
William Adair Автор
Thanks everybody, it really means a lot and is a big encouragement. 🙏
Michael, that's amazing that there were copies available at Telford. I never knew about that. 😮
 11 January, 23:52
William Adair Автор
Finally got the scratchbuilt spoked wheels finished today after a year of trial and error (mostly error). It was a close-run thing though... they nearly finished ME! 💀
 13 January, 12:20
truly stunning.... in awe at your patience to achieve it.
1  13 January, 12:55
Alec K
Those wheels are incredible. I can't imagine attempting it in 1/72, let alone in this scale. That said, now that I see it CAN be done 🤔…
 13 January, 12:55
Mr D
👏👏 Stella workmanship 👌 My eyes 👀 n builders hands would have no chance🤣
Well done.. like it 👍
 13 January, 14:30
If anyone can make 1/72 spoked wheels, it will definitely be you Alex. 😉
The more I see of this build the more I'm considering buying your book William. My only concern is that I don't build WWI aircraft. Is there enough in your book which would help the average scratchbuilder?
2  13 January, 15:47
Michael Kohl
@Gorby: I definitely think so. But apart from that it is also quite nice just to look at the builds.
2  13 January, 19:06
Now that is coming out gorgeous. Really you're a STAR.
1  13 January, 19:11
Michael Kohl
This is just spectacular. I cannot stop marvelling at it.
1  13 January, 19:12
Alec K
Gorby, I agree with Michael. It's a how-to scratch-building book, with many techniques and approaches I was not familiar with. WWI aircraft is a theme, but the lessons are applicable to any scratch builder imho.
2  14 January, 00:41
William Adair Автор
Thank you again everybody 🙏🙏🙏
@gorby I think the techniques in book would translate well into larger scales too. I remember thinking that while I was writing it. 👍
The spoked wheels are not covered in the book though. I didn't even attempt them until nearly a year after the manuscript was handed in. Although in the last bit of the book I mention how I would one day like to try 🙂
2  14 January, 10:40
Thanks William and the others who have answered my question. I usually build 1/72 vehicles but I suspect there will be more than enough useful info to make the book a worthwhile purchase. 🙂
2  14 January, 11:09
Beyond Amazing. True art.
1  16 February, 02:56
WOW, staggering work! A tiny gem.
1  16 February, 06:10
Robert Podkoński
1  16 February, 10:31
Roland Sachsenhofer
Probable the most convincing piece of modeling art I have ever seen- congratulation!
 16 February, 11:03
Michael Kohl
Jep. I fully agree. Absolutely impressive.
 16 February, 11:43
Es-haq Khosravi
What a gem! Mind blowing!
 16 February, 11:49
Juergen Klinglhuber
WOW, Jaw dropping, Mind blowing 144 work. 👍
 16 February, 11:59
Guy Rump
Superb build! 👍
1  16 February, 12:39
Jakub Fiala
Amazing build and result! 👍
 16 February, 12:42
Ludvík Kružík
Incredibly detailed model in this scale! Absolutely phenomenal build and result! Congratulations and I bow deeply.
 16 February, 21:22
That is a huge matchbox you build there. 🤪🤪🤪👍👍👍👍
 16 February, 22:45
Zbynek Honzik
This is breathtakingly beautiful and the pinnacle of modeller's art. BRAVO! 👏👏👏
1  17 February, 07:30
Beautiful! 😍
 17 February, 08:48
Alec K
What else to add. One of a kind, truly. 👍👍👍
1  18 February, 19:26

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