Тема начата BigFergie

добавил новый фотоальбом.
42 4 June 2024, 20:58

first figure?? wow!!! it is really good, and the model too, excellent dio!
23 September 2024, 07:36

A considerate mechanker - puts a tarp under the vehicle. 😄
Like the weathering on the figure to.
23 September 2024, 08:15

So many well-observed details to enjoy. Superb in all areas, for sure! Better than a walk around gallery!!
23 September 2024, 17:24

Excellent work! Makes me wonder how frequently Bussing-NAG recommended the crews rotate all eight tires…
23 September 2024, 17:35

Exceptional work. That figure is superb by the way. It just shows your natural talent when you can produce a figure of that quality on first attempt. Outstanding all round my friend.
23 September 2024, 18:41