Тема начата david.lengyel

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19 8 July 2024, 09:36

I also plan to build a Yak-11. Only the scale will be bigger - 1/48. I will be glad to follow your build and get inspiration.
What paint scheme did you choose for your plane?
9 July 2024, 10:25

Thanks gents!
@Ludvík Kružík: I'm building the first fighter plane of the LSK-NVA (East German Air Force). The paint is Yakovlev factory default - overall blue-grey.
10 July 2024, 09:26

The East German national emblems are interesting. They are not often seen on models. I am curious how they will look on your model.
10 July 2024, 22:28

Some progress on the panel line and surface clean-up before I commit to the control surface details.
4 August 2024, 18:14