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20 5 July 2019, 19:21

A much anticipated finish! 🙂 Captivating from long-distance, then an hour's worth of detail-spotting... So much great stuff - the propeller is an artwork in its own right, same goes for the engine & machine-guns 👍 But I personally just love the translucent blue - such a beautiful color & the degree & consistency of the effect tells that a master was at work here. Combination & contrast with the saturated yellow is then the icing on the cake! Salutes for an expert job! 👍
5 July 2019, 20:15

A lovely build. The colors are so eye catching all around. Just beautiful!
5 July 2019, 20:16

Thx mates for such great feedback! And Slavo, such amount of great detailed feedback (from the builder of the Su-34, which makes me completely speechless) - I'll blush.
I was told to add some detail shots.
6 July 2019, 16:49

Awesome job as usual bughunter, your string bags are pieces of art! 👍👍
7 July 2019, 13:00

Thank you Kees! I like the word "string bags"! What about "wire entanglement" ?😉
9 July 2019, 15:04

Stunning work! The Eduard bi planes were in my stash a long time ago, but I gave up on them, as my sausage fingers can't cope with such tiny detail. The more do I love seeing some WW1 birds .
14 July 2019, 14:06

Thank you Carsten! If you need bigger details you can buy Wingnut Wings, same period but bigger scale. For me the finished models in 1/32 needs to much space 🙁
14 July 2019, 14:33

Holy cow! I just noticed that was 1/48 I thought it was 1/32....making it all the more impressive now !
14 July 2019, 15:07

Thank you Chris and Stephan! With the newest Eduard Profipack kit this bird can new be build also in 1/72, but not by me😉
14 July 2019, 20:30

Spectacular as always Frank. Good luck in competition. I have the 1/72 version on my long-range list😉
23 July 2019, 12:13

Oh for... Frank... I thought we talked about this... you're not allowed to post multiple projects at once... for safety reasons...
25 July 2019, 14:10

Thx Greg, the Fokker was finished some weeks ago, the Ford Model-T is on hold due to waiting for new tyres. After I wanted to soldering something I started with Morane-Saulnier I skis. So I try to do one project at a time, but fail sometimes in that😉
25 July 2019, 14:39

I have six going on at the moment... but no one will confuse mine with yours... 🙂
25 July 2019, 14:58

I can add some shelf queens too😉 But those are not active projects. One day in future ....
The one with the LED lights are yours 👍
25 July 2019, 15:41

As mentioned in project this Fokker was part of a group build. Now the jury decision is out: This model is under the winners, but not in the top three, as expected. It was awarded with a Roden kit and I'm free to select two sets of decals from the Pheon range 👍
8 September 2019, 09:55

Congrats for a winners finish! 👍 Roden kit? Not by chance the Zeppelin Staaken I guess😉 ?
8 September 2019, 09:58

Some of my older models have only small and no outdoor pictures in the final album. Today there was again clear sky so I made new pictures.
5 December 2024, 12:30

I believe this one may have been slightly before my time. Excellent photography. Another beautiful build Frank. Love the camo and and paint work.
8 December 2024, 23:44