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Nigel Chapman
добавил новый фотоальбом.
14 изображения
AA Altered VW dragster View album, image #13
Twisted front end
1:25 Volks Wagen (Union Model MC05:2500)
9 26 July 2019, 21:59
I'm all over this Nigel
.....& a Hemi 😉
 26 July 2019, 22:22
Nigel Chapman Автор
What a find for £3 and all brand new parts. Even the body was unpainted
 26 July 2019, 22:27
Bloody hell u jammy sod!!!
 26 July 2019, 22:37
Nigel Chapman Автор
Time to resurrect a project left in hiatus. Firewall would not fit so engine removed from chassis. Let the make over begin.
 1 April 2020, 16:11
Excellent mate, this is gonna be proper good 👍
 1 April 2020, 17:23
Nigel Chapman Автор
Got my 60's Gasser mojo back. Looks good so far. Headlamps will have to be re-done.
 12 April 2020, 10:51
Yes!!!!! That's awesome mate 👍
 12 April 2020, 11:03
Gasser mojo, like it 😉
 12 April 2020, 11:03
Nigel Chapman Автор
A couple hours work on the firewall allows the engine to fit in it's correct position.
I also applied new red film to the windows which looks much better though ideally new glass would have been preferable.
 6 May 2020, 19:53
The red tint film looks proper cool!
Authentic too, a lot of the tube frame VeeDub racecars has blue or red tint plexiglass 👍
Motor position is spot on 😉
 6 May 2020, 20:07
Nigel Chapman Автор
Yeah it's a good colour combo. I've seen green and amber glass used as well. I had contemplated white wall tyres but will leave them Black.
 7 May 2020, 05:13
Bob Hall
Awesome ! Craziest VW Bug I ever saw was back in my younger years and a friend of a friend had 455 Oldsmobile dropped into it ! Could outrun every police car in the county, crazy stuff !
 7 May 2020, 06:15
Nigel Chapman Автор
Brilliant !
 7 May 2020, 12:20
Nigel Chapman Автор
Why me? Tried another test fit and found engine air intake is foul of the body below windscreen. It looks like the engine mounts on chassis do not match up with The body in place so it's back to the drawing board again.
 26 May 2020, 19:30
It looks to clear ok in that pic?
........& I thought I was the only one with shit luck 😄
 26 May 2020, 20:19
Nigel Chapman Автор
The firewall was fine. It's when the body is mounted that's causing problems so the front axle needs to be moved back slightly and engine mounts moved forward.
 26 May 2020, 21:48
What a pisser! Is it a straightforward mod or are you stressing over it?
Bloody hell if anybody got the skills for mods it's you mate 😉
 26 May 2020, 22:16
Nigel Chapman Автор
Thanks. I do get wound up however I have put it to one side and will have a think
 27 May 2020, 06:26
Nigel Chapman Автор
#^%*~/> •\?{+ !! Right, rant over. Starting the re-build and now discovered the frame is twisted (Probably my fault). Only remedy I can think of at the moment is to build a new frame and start again. Hey ho... At least I can then sort out engine and front suspension placement.
 20 June 2020, 14:58
Christian W
How could I miss that one!
You did a good job on the paint job. The engine looks good too! We know, this kit is not the best out there. I wrote it to you: for me it's a piece of memory on my childhood. I love this kit nevertheless. Should make a project for mine too. Like yours: it's for restoration or to leave it as is - only to put the parts together again.
 1 April 2021, 07:22
Nigel Chapman Автор
Thanks Christian for the thumbs up. Your right, brilliant model just dodgy parts and fitment issues. I also forgot to widen the rear wheel arches before painting, so it will not take much to get it back on track.
 1 April 2021, 13:52
It's ball busting Bozzer again.
I'm curious to know how you got on with this? I have two of these, and my plan was to build both versions. However, seeing this, I'm tempted to leave the standard version, for a more worthy kit, and go nuts, with one of these kits?
Any thoughts are appreciated mate?
 9 November 2024, 02:52
Nigel Chapman Автор
Hi Bozzer, sorry thought I replied to this message.
This project has not seen light of day for 3 years. My kit had the standard chassis already assembled so I sold it on.
This left me with the mint unbuilt gasser parts and unpainted body. If I remember correctly it was the body fitting to the chassis in relation to the engine, firewall and front suspension that was the problem. There is very little wriggle room. With some tinkering I reckon it can be rectified, moving the engine forward and the suspension back.
It's an unusual kit that despite the setbacks can be a neat little model.
 19 November 2024, 22:39
Handy to know mate, thanks. Tinkering and mods, I can do, it's that visionary stuff, that you ace, I can't get my head around? Some of your creations, belong up there, with Gerry Anderson! On the subject of parts, Motobitz are closing in February. I suggest that if you want anything from them, now is the best time. I've just ordered some transit rear doors. Probably never see them again?
 20 November 2024, 06:28
Nigel Chapman Автор
Wow not surprised, I will have a look
 20 November 2024, 07:50
Cheers for the heads up Boz, I'll make a list of parts👍
 20 November 2024, 18:17
No worries lads. All part of the service 😉
 21 November 2024, 06:42
Nigel Chapman Автор
A couple of photos to show current state of the VW. I don't think it is as bad as I thought.
The front suspension is definitely not square, which was probably the root cause, and having twisted the chassis rails did not help either. They are quite flimsy.
I think I can graft two tubes onto the original frame and then attach the front suspension.
And before I forget, it building the drag engine, make sure it is mounted and body attached before the air intake goes on top as it will foul the body.
 22 November 2024, 14:24
Issues noted, thanks Nigel.
It's looking like I'm gonna have to buy a "sensible" beetle, to do the car justice. But, I've now got two nightmares, to play with! I'll be more aware of Union Model kits, in the future.
 23 November 2024, 18:35
Nigel Chapman Автор
I don't think the Union kits are bad. Given their age the quality is not as good as today. Just be patient and test fit everything.
 23 November 2024, 20:49

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