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Тема начата mx918

Mitchell Hart-Lincoln
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Январь до этих пор 28. Февраль 2014
11 December 2013, 14:33
Mitchell Hart-Lincoln Автор
Entering a little bit later than most so I'll be beavering away over the Xmas break - what to do? More than likely a couple from the pure Matchbox stash (rather than Revell repops):

#1 Gloster Meteor NF11 from 87 Sqn RAF using ModelDecal 93 for the markings (to sit alongside an Airfix Gloster Gladiator that I've just finished (again ModelDecal 87 Sqn).

#2 SA365N Dauphin 2 in London Air Ambulance markings - undecided whether to go with the original Yellow "Express Newspapers" or the later Red "Virgin" colour scheme!

I'm fancying a bit of updating but that'll depend on time available and whether SWMBO starts to fling toys out when I disappear to the Hobby Room (Man Cave) over the festive season.... Def the G-HEMS interior set for the Dauphin and maybe an engine and some other bits for the Meteor....

Blue Skies (and a Happy Christmas/Happy Holidays to all).......
 11 December 2013, 14:52
Urban Gardini
Not late at all mate as it's not started yet 'n welcome to the build.
 11 December 2013, 15:13
Mitchell Hart-Lincoln Автор
Well there you go! I thought it started at the beginning of Dec 🙂
This will make a welcome change for me - and might even get me out of the dreaded "modelling block".... at the moment I seem to be able to start lots but never fin......
 11 December 2013, 15:19
Stefan Schneider
I feel quite the same Mitchell 😉
 11 December 2013, 15:28
Urban Gardini
No, January 1st to February 28th will give plenty of time to finish at least one Matchbox kit...
 11 December 2013, 15:31
Mitchell Hart-Lincoln Автор
Yup, it will 🙂 I've still got other stalled kits to be getting on with! Waiting to get my hand on the new Airfix "EE Frightning" though and I've got the Airfix Javelin on my Santa list and I've been exceptionally good this year 😉
 12 December 2013, 09:39

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