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21 изображения
Fairey Barracuda
Camoflague painted with Humbrol 123 Extra Dark Sea Grey and 224 Dark Slate Grey
Проект: Fairey Barracuda
33 11 June 2021, 01:44

Started on this bright-orange Russian copy of the old FROG Barracuda. Not sure why they decided to mold in that colour?
Scratch-built the wheel well detail. 27 pieces of sheet and strip styrene later - one wheel well completed.
11 June 2021, 01:51

I did build the 1975 version in the seventies. Let us see how yours turn out. Much better that is for sure.
11 June 2021, 21:17

Got the wheel-wells painted and weathered. The orange showed through the green so had to do two coats. Definitely putting some primer on before the camouflage!
24 June 2021, 02:06

Detailed the cockpit a bit. Canopy is fairly thick so doubt any of it will be seen. But I know it's there!
26 June 2021, 21:42

Put some grey primer on the wings. The good thing about this kit being molded in bright orange is that the carpet monster will never get any of the small pieces without a fight!
Got bored waiting for the primer to dry so added some more detail to the fuselage.
2 July 2021, 04:35

Maybe you could add another layer of primer so we can get even more details on the plane 😉
2 July 2021, 08:03

Fantastic work, Gordon! With respect to polistyrene colour, the answer is simple - the manufacturer just had acquired polistyrene in such a colour. These Novo kits came in full variety, from pale pink to dark blue...
2 July 2021, 08:50

Painted the interior and added some panel-line wash. It came out a little darker than planned, but still OK.
14 July 2021, 13:01

David - Not a 3mm gap but a good lip I tried to feather in with putty. Not saying the molding is suspect, but I trimmed at least 1 mm from the mounting tab to get the top of the wing to 'come close' to the fuselage fairing.
Using the metal seal off a wine bottle for the radiator detail. Painted Humbrol Bronze. I like it…
I cast a backing plate for the propeller spinner. I think it looks a little better than just the spinner covering the props from the front.
17 August 2021, 22:12

Made a template of the Camo Scheme in 1/72 so I could trace it on the model.
The kit decals are so far out of register and yellowed, I am just going to try and cobble something together from the stash. Luckily, I do have an Xtradecal numbers and letters sheet. It includes Royal Navy titles and I can make a serial number for the airframe.
9 September 2021, 14:40

the scheem must be hard for the template with all the curves
26 February 2022, 06:28

😄 ugly ducklings can become swans 👍 great progress though Gordon.
26 February 2022, 13:12

Need to order a canopy mask. That is the only reason this one has been sitting on the bench so long. There are way too many window panels to try to make my own.
Have a couple kits at the painting stage. All three of them are using Humbrol 90 for the lower surfaces. Thinned with Humbrol Enamel Thinner, it goes on pretty nice.
15 July 2023, 20:29

Glad to see this one nearing the finish line. I wonder if there is a canopy mask set for this kit. Maybe consider masking with painted tape or decals?
17 July 2023, 12:42

Started to paint the camoflague with Humbrol 123 Extra Dark Sea Grey and 224 Dark Slate Grey
25 August 2023, 03:55

Ordered a KV Canopy Mask from Super-Hobby in Poland. Picked the slow (cheap!) delivery option, so not sure how long it will take to get to Canada.
1 September 2023, 19:55

Masks arrived! Never tried KV before, but they are very nice! Excellent fit. Weirdly though, they missed two triangular canopy panels near the rear and the two lower triangular panels near the front.
12 October 2023, 11:54