1/48 Hasegawa N1K2-J Shiden-Kai (George)
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This Model went together very easily , it was virtually fault free.
It was painted using the Aztek airbrush as an aircraft of the 343rd Kokutai (Naval Air Group) flown by Lt Takashi Oshibuchi ( six kills ).
His aircraft has been - wrongly - depicted as having 2 red fuselage stripes and is incorrectly shown in the Hasegawa kit artwork and also in the kit instructions (always re-check your sources). In fact the aircraft had white stripes!
- the book by Henry Sakaida called Gendas Blade is a great reference guide, I also used the Aero-Detail Book which supplied a lot of interior and exterior Photos for reference.
his Model is notable for the Montex masks for the national insignia and unit markings which were used instead of the kit decals - and can then be weathered over - try doing that to a decal.
The Eduard photo-etch set was used and also a new item back in 2000 - Fukuya brass barrels for the 20mm cannon and pitot tube.
The kit engine was replaced with a Vector resin engine (made in Russia) - and available from Parade Figures in the UK. This was built as a kit in its own right, replacing the single kit engine part .
This replacement engine is so much more detailed and realistic in appearance and it also has individual push rods made from brass.
The guns and pitot tube (if you can see from the pics) have hollow ends, and another benefit is that everything is very strong as its all brass.
Lt Takashi Oshibuchi was the leader of Hikotai (Squadron) 701 'Ishin-Tai' within the 343rd and was reported as missing in action in this aircraft on 24th July 1945.