Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7
22 March 2012, 16:27

Looks good. I believe the MGs etc. from Master will be the best I know.
It's enough for Tamiyas Mes, except the Seatbelts - I always use the colored ones from Eduard.
22 March 2012, 18:44

@Philip Thank you.
Later, after 3,5 hours of the fight with the decals, all the small numbers on fuselage, the purest horror!
Hope you like it.
24 March 2012, 17:56

It is getting there! Looks excellent, uniform shine from where I am looking, congrats!!!
24 March 2012, 18:23

Very nice indeed! In my 40+ years of modelling, I've never built a 109! Imagine that - maybe this will be the year!
25 March 2012, 13:00

Never! Really! I've got an FW-190 and JU-88 in my stash, maybe I'll start with them
25 March 2012, 18:59

Hi Norman, was a pleasure meeting you at Modellbaustammtisch Hamburg yesterday. Ypur Emil was certainly one of the highlights. 🙂
31 March 2012, 08:16

I like the finish, it makes all the difference. May I ask what varnish you use Norman ?
2 April 2012, 15:08

thank you Aghis, i have used Gunze H20 flat clear for the finish.
2 April 2012, 15:38
Album info
Bf 109 E-7 'White 12', III. Gruppe, 7. Staffel, Jagdgeschwader 26 "Schlageter" - Sicily 1941, Pilot: Oblt. Joachim Müncheberg