Eduard I-16 Type 10
Photo 1 of 8
3 July 2012, 14:31

Wonderful Camo scheme on this little Tweedy!! It is of interest if compared with boring mono-colour camo schemes. These one is cool! Could be a choice for my little diorama! You remember, I told you about in Mol last exhibition??
And like your Il-2 an amazing weathering job!!!
The paintflakes beside the cowlings are great and the weathering underneath, for ex. the rear cone and the oil strakes,......great!!!
Great work, hope we see more here on SM!!
4 November 2012, 15:02

Thanks. 🙂
My Il-2 is almost finished so it will be displayed in SM.
Next model will be a Mig-17PF from Hobby Boss in NMF.
4 November 2012, 18:05

The result is stunning! I like your skills of weathering an aircraft model!
I`m looking forward to September to see this little gem in Mol!
10 May 2013, 09:40

Thanks. You'll probably see this in Mol together with my Yak-3, Il-2 and the Mi-24. Next are the Tu-2T and a Mig-19PM in NMF. 🙂
10 May 2013, 12:39

Great Job Michel! Great job! The Rata is not m"my" plane but your weathering is just cool!
10 May 2013, 12:58

Thanks. It's a pitty that all the small details aren't shown. You've got to see it for real. I've spent hours to weather it.
10 May 2013, 18:04
Album info
OOTB with little adjustments into cockpit concerning cockpit floor, adding holes under windshield and some wiring.