Ferrari 312PB, Ickx/Regazzoni, Spa 1972
8 February 2013, 22:39

Another superb build there Pascal. keep up the great work !
9 February 2013, 02:22

Thanks a lot Alexander. Progress are slow. The build is even almost stopped for the moment due to my work...
9 February 2013, 07:40

It's great watching a Maestro working, excellent build thus far Pascal, the finish of that body colour is exceptional😮
9 February 2013, 08:22

Thank you very much for nice comments.I feel a little embarrassed to be considered a Maestro.
Few progress soon I hope on the 312PB and the Tipo 500.
Those two beauties are waiting for too long!!
9 February 2013, 17:20

They are both beautiful cars with a lot of history. so take your time and enjoy them and the history around them. no need to stress😉
9 February 2013, 19:24

Thank You guys.
2 pics added and few progress...
Safety belts will soon appear.
21 April 2013, 20:00

Wow Pascal....every little detail is insanely cool. I'm very impressed by your superb work!
21 April 2013, 20:09

I can hear that flat 12 singing in my head when i see those pictures 🙂 great as always 👍
21 April 2013, 20:36

Really small progresses on the 312...
Few pics added😉
28 September 2013, 18:39

Hi Pascal...
Looking very nice👍
I've made some progress as well😄
Will post pictures soon...
28 September 2013, 18:59

Thanks Steve😉
Hope to see pics from you soon mate!
Pictures from the 312 F1?...
28 September 2013, 20:26

A beautiful model, just got the watkins glen version so now i will follow this build with hawk eyes 🙂
29 September 2013, 02:06

QUOTE> " Thanks Steve😉
Hope to see pics from you soon mate!
Pictures from the 312 F1?..."
Yes... 312 F1 1967 Italian GP Chris Amon🙂
29 September 2013, 09:59

@Maarten: Yes, just to remember me that I have some work on my models!!😉
@ Steve: Ferrari, Monza, C.AMON.... What else?! 😄
29 September 2013, 13:26

Few "intermediate build" pics added😉
Hope you still like it.
29 September 2013, 13:29

Hi Pascal!
Absolutely fascinating progress!
It is simply motivating to watch your WIP pictures!
Can`t sit still, I`ve to go on with my Renault Rb 6 and have to learn more practice to built models like you are doing! :!
Very inspiring work! Nice!!
Truly stunning!
8 October 2013, 21:29

Hi Mates,
... And thanks a lot once again for all your kind comments😉
Still working (slowly...) on the 312PB.
Pics added.
Hope you still enjoy the WIP.
13 October 2013, 17:40

A little... and often!!!
Is what my Nan used to say Pascal.
You're doing fine, one small leap for modellerkind😄👍
20 October 2013, 08:36

Thanks so much for kind comments😉
Still working on the PB... So pics added 😄
20 October 2013, 20:47

Added a pic from the rear of the car, a better one than the other...
Rear lights are just "laid" on the tubular frame and need to be aligned and connected....
22 October 2013, 09:47

that`s art of modelling!
All those little bolts and nuts, and pipes....
Pascal, chapaeu!!
You has get my full attention
23 October 2013, 19:35

I just have a look inside the box to see how it went ...
Not bad.
24 October 2013, 20:46

You make it look so easy Pascal. maybe you should try something like this for the next project 🙂
Youtube Video

25 October 2013, 15:48

Thank you Mates😉
I've seen this one Alexander and it's far, far, far..........far away from what I'm able to do!! just realized that the picture of the small extinguisher wasn't so good... another posted😉
26 October 2013, 08:12

Hi Pascal,
very very nice WIP steps.
Great dexterity!
That`s what real modeller like to see!!
I like your amazing details.
27 October 2013, 11:08

Oops... Forgot your question Tim.
I made the safety belts with thin lead foil.
27 October 2013, 21:08
Album info
WIP 1/24