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Jan Voorbij (cupofwondering)

Fiat BR. 20 Cicogna


18 September 2013, 15:23
Jordi Orengo
Nice !
 18 September 2013, 15:29
Dave Flitton
I like!! Nice paint.
 18 September 2013, 15:56
vincent coyne
this looks good hard colour sceme
 18 September 2013, 15:59
Jan Voorbij Автор
Thank you guys. There are two more compicated items coming up.
 18 September 2013, 21:21
Jan Voorbij Автор
And another one, the beautiful Cicogna. I/m preparing to build one that participated in the Battle of Britain.
 21 March 2015, 16:24
Oh, another one.. Very nice !
 21 March 2015, 18:15

Album info

Fiat BR.20 Cicogna
276 Sq. Bombardemento Terrestra, 116 Gruppo B.T., 37 Stormo B.T.
Albania, winter 1940-1941 (Balkan-campain)
[Italeri 1:72, nr. 103, Vintage Collection 1972, nr. 238/3500]

8 изображения
1:72 Fiat BR 20 "Cicogna" (Italeri 103)
Fiat BR.20 Cicogna
IT Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force 1935-1943)
276 Sql.,BT, 116 Gruppo BT, 37 Stormo BT 276-6
Январь 1941 AL

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