HB Fw 190 D-9
3 October 2013, 15:49

Camoflage, Gunze RLM 81 / 82 / 83 on the spine of the fuselage, RLM 83 and Gray primer mix from Gunze H308 Gray + White on the wings. Motling with RLM 81
14 November 2013, 20:52

Rework of the RLM 84 and a more brownish RLM 81, added more mottling on the tail and some field repair spots.
22 November 2013, 18:51

Thank's! I intend to biuild black 4, also of ll. JG6 Nr. 211939
22 November 2013, 20:52

Turbo charger looks great, you have done a great job on this one Norman
23 November 2013, 21:44