Hanomag SS-100 Gigant
1 7 December 2013, 16:46

Hi Mates, i have just started the project Hanomag SS-100 Gigant. Here are a few pitures.
7 December 2013, 16:54

mmhh, it seems to me it is the start of something big and more?!
7 December 2013, 17:53

Here is a little update, next i can start painting the driver cabin.
@ Chris: maybe, i have some ideas 🙂
8 December 2013, 20:26

Hi mates, here are a few more pics. The paintjob of the driver cabin is done.
20 December 2013, 23:33

Hi Mates, here is the next update. I make a small box of plywood a base for scratchbuild section of a garage. Cheers Stefan
11 February 2014, 22:58

Hi mates, here ar a few more pics. I have attached the hinges of the doors. Then I started the painting with acrylic and oil paints. Cheers Stefan
11 October 2016, 20:56

thx Irving. Here are a few new pics. After the carpet monster has eaten the trailer hitch, I had to scratch a new one. But now the model is ready for painting. Cheers Stefan
11 January 2017, 22:56

Hi mates, here is al little updade. I painted the basic color and the camouflage scheme. Cheers Stefan
20 January 2017, 22:12

Hey Stefan, was it your intention to spray the green lines much sharper than the brown ones?
Cheers, Christian
21 January 2017, 19:50

Hi Chris, I could say, the camouflage was applied in the field and adapted to the respective Parking area. This Hanomag was camouflaged by two painters on two different days, to improve the camouflage. The first has painted the fine green lines, the second not.
Or, I painted the green lines better than the brown ones, because I was impatient 🙂
Cheers Stefan
21 January 2017, 21:05

always good to have a story to be told. I like the first story about the two painters😉
Cheers, Christian
21 January 2017, 21:26

I have no clue how you managed to get these lines so thin, but I like it 👍
25 December 2017, 21:02

Thx mates. Łukasz, I use an Evolution Silverline fPc Two in One with the nozzle set 0.15 mm and air volume control (fPc). The pressure is about 2 bar. Then I regulate the pressure at the compressor and fPc-valve until the result fits. And I use artist airbrush colors and the Tamiya X-20A Thinner for the fine lines, like the Hansa Pro-color. Cheers Stefan
26 December 2017, 10:26

Hi mates, here is the next up-date. I have applied the decals. Next I weathered the Hanomag slightly with oil paint, because the vehicle was used on an airfield. Now I have to paint the lights, mirrors and a figure to complete the Dio. Cheers Stefan
5 March 2018, 21:00

Top paintjob 👍. Will you finish the Dio for Lingen? Would be nice to see it in real
6 March 2018, 15:56

thx Thomas, I always have several projects in progress 🙂 the M 60 is one of the next 🙂 Cheers Stefan
7 March 2018, 18:47

Hi mates, Here is a picture of the figure, the face and the overall are done. Cheers Stefan
8 March 2018, 23:47

Hallo mates, here are a few new pic. The diorama is finished to show it on the EME in Lingen and make some daylight pictures 🙂 Cheers Stefan
9 March 2018, 23:37

Nice little scene and an Impressive job on the camo scheme. Looking forward to see it live. 👍
10 March 2018, 06:12

Great Paintjob with the CAmo and cleanly built in this scale.. The whole scene is well done... Congrtas Stefan
10 March 2018, 21:52

Hi mates, I decided to build a slightly larger diorama for Hannomag. Here are a few pictures of the baseplate and the hangar. The hangar is scratch built from plastic sheet. Cheers Stefan
12 April 2018, 20:13

wie immer fasziniered, ich schau gern zu!
fascinating as always. I enjoy watching....
13 April 2018, 10:56

thx mates, here is the next picture. I primed the hangar and painted the baseplate. Cheers Stefan
13 April 2018, 21:24

Hi mates, today i painted the hangar and weathered the baseplate. Next, I'll weather the hangar. Cheers Stefan
14 April 2018, 19:25

Thanks Es-haq, here ist the next picture. The hangar got a base washing with oil paints. Cheers Stefan
15 April 2018, 12:59

Nice work Stefan, and a good idea to combine the Hanomag and Komet 👍
15 April 2018, 13:32

Thank you all for your kind comments. This type of hangar was built in Germany and Europe until the 1940s-50s and is still in use today. I can then use it later for various military and civil aircraft at scale modeling shows. Cheers Stefan
15 April 2018, 20:05

Hallo Spanjaard and Alec, that's easy, because I do not stick the models. So I can put more models in my showcase and leave the dioramas sometimes in the transport box. Cheers Stefan
16 April 2018, 18:42

Hi mates, here is the next update. The hangar and the base are weathered. Next i will look for figures. Cheers Stefan
22 April 2018, 18:51

Hi mates, here is the next picture. An officer and a few pilots watch two mechanics. The mechanics hook on the Me 163 to the Hanomag. I use the Preiser figures for the diorama. A Cheers Stefan
26 April 2018, 19:54

Hello mates, it goes on in this project with the Preiser figures. Cheers Stefan
18 September 2018, 20:11

thx Alec and Cuajete. Today I started the painting of the figures. Cheers Stefan
20 September 2018, 21:50

Those white boots look sexy, mate😉 The other figures look great too 🙂
24 September 2018, 06:46

Hi mates, the next figure is read. @Lukasz: sorry, not with white boots 🙂. But I'll keep it in my mind for the next fantasy or what if project. Cheers Stefan
26 September 2018, 22:41

Thx Spanjaard, i hope we will meet us in Veldhoven. Cheers Stefan
1 October 2018, 08:52

Hi mates, the diorama is almost finished. I just want to weather the towbar a little bit. Cheers Stefan
2 October 2018, 22:04

amazing job Stefan. wonderful paintjob, composition and details. top notch 🙂
2 October 2018, 22:13

Looking at those folks I'd say they are 1/35, they look so great 👍
3 October 2018, 07:39

Absolut überzeugend Stefan... Gefällt mir sehr gut Dein Diorama! Detailarbei vom Feinsten Very Good Job 👍
3 October 2018, 10:57

will you be taking this one to Veldhoven? i would love to see it in person 🙂
3 October 2018, 11:16

Thanks Daniel, Thorsten and Spanjaard. Yes, i want to show it in Veldhoven and Telford this year. Cheers Stefan
3 October 2018, 13:56