Pz.Kpfw KV-2 754(r)
Photo 1 of 8
10 February 2014, 08:24

no wow-effect? no.. just a delayed wow 😉
nice weatering, is swastica part of your artistic licence or in anyway proven?
10 February 2014, 08:42

Thanks, I´ve got an eye on the "Octopus" Tiger II which had also a swastika on, and i´m trying to figure out if it wasn´t painted on after it was shot down...
Your pics prove that something like that happened...
10 February 2014, 08:58

On the 3´rd pic of your link, the tanks tracks have a very heavy sag!!!
10 February 2014, 09:03

I think there must be some spareparts on tracks because they are faaaar toooo long to work correctly. Hell i dont know, just figuring out.
10 February 2014, 09:08
Album info
I builded this almost OTB from Trumpeter's kit. Don't figure out what I'm missing because there is no wow-efect I was trying to create 🙂
I used the whole handful of methods, hairspray, oils, washes, pigments, ready made mud... you name it. Perhaps something too much? 😄