Focke-Wulf Fw 190 F-8, Tamiya,

Very nice focke wulf. Saw a smaller side drawing of this aircraft and had the same idea... One day I will build this one with this camo...

Nice bird, nice camo, nice figures, nice base. Simply excellent!

Jupp, it´s a realy nicely build model. 👍
Especially "live and in color"😉 There are a loooot of details on it...

Thank you, guys! Very nice of you to bring up this old stuff again! 🙂
Album info
December morning
Fighter/Bomber I. SG 2 "Immelmann", Hungary Winter '44-'45
The idea
The scene which I like to introduce here shows my first aircraft model at all. Normally I am more addicted to vehicles and figures. The inspiration for this project came as follows.
In the well known illustrated book "Die großen Luftschlachten des Zweiten Weltkrieges", author unknown, Neuer Kaiser Verlag, Klagenfurt, I came across a template shown below. The camo scheme had a "Boah"-impact on me and I knew: "If you ever go to build an aircraft model this is what it's going to be!".
Research to the shown aircraft lead to the fact that only this illustration hardly makes a proper foundation for a historically correct model. A photo as proof for the correctness of the picture was not to be found yet. So I would like to point out clearly: this has no priority for me! I built this plane with the shown colour scheme only because I like it - that's it!
The realization
Base of the project is the kit "Focke Wulf FW190 F8/9 w. Bom