North American P-51D Mustang "Jan" 334th FS - FINAL PICS
2 20 December 2015, 21:32

Very nice build!! Doesn't look like 72nd scale. The Mustang expert on the ARC site claims that the panels on the wings were puttied over and that the wings were painted aluminum. This was done to improve airflow over the wings. Gary
22 November 2016, 13:27

Thanks a lot guys! 🙂
@ Cesar: NMF was done with Mr. Hobby SM01 Super Fine Silver. This color line really works well for me. A very good alternative to Alclad.
Weathering was done
1. With Tamiya Weathering Set. Soot, White and Rust, as far as I remember.
2. Over that I applied the salt technique, again with Super Fine Silver here and there to tone down the traces.
3. Chipping was done either by scratching off color or applying traces with a silver pen.
The weathering is maybe a bit on the heavy side, but it was more in an experimental way this time. I was tired of building clean birds :-P
As for the wings, IMHO the expert is, in most cases, right. At least, this is what I saw in a museum in Seattle too...On the other hand, if you look at some old pics, you might judge by yourself who is right... I added a few references to the Album. I guess there is not just one version around.
However, I am more concerned about the model's landing gear, which is slightly slanted and pretty week (very thin..). I'd definitely recommend to cannibalize another kits landing gear (Late Hasegawa or Tamiya).
And I don't know about the plane's serial number... got a bit dizzy when I was researching it. On the photo and painting reference it is definitely not that number. On the little friends webpage they state even a third (different) number. I assume that there must have been more than one plane sporting this scheme..(?) Kits World Decals must have had there reference also from somewhere....
22 November 2016, 17:50

Awesome! I have this kit and look forward even more to building it.
22 November 2016, 20:16

Very great looking P-51! The NMF is fantastic. Great job! One thing though... It seems that you have placed the landing gear pointing backwards, it is clearly visible in pics 2 and 3..😉
22 November 2016, 20:50

Thanks mates,
Erik...don't see what you mean(?)... inwards maybe?
22 November 2016, 21:45

What I mean is: the leg on the right should be on the left and the left leg on the right. so that they point forward, now they point backwards
22 November 2016, 22:11

very nice finished. about the landing gear, unless i made the same mistake, it looks ok to me....
i have also checked the pics that i took of the P-51 in RAF museum Hendon to be sure, and it still looks good to me.
24 November 2016, 18:57

Thanks folks! Vielen Dank Christian! 🙂
(for the landing gear, nothing wrong, but the L-Brace is odd, fragile and so thin, it hardly holds the models own weight. Take a spare one if you plan on building the Airfix Stang.
Plums the rims from Hasegawa or Tamiya wheels do look much better)
24 November 2016, 22:14
Album info
1st out of 5 Mustang Projects of the 334th FS....