Tamiya T-72M on Red Square parade
Photo 1 of 12
18 January 2016, 16:00

Getting prepared for the "Red Square" parade. 🙂 👍
Looking great with that white. 🙂
29 January 2016, 21:36

Yep, I figured that it'd be a different with parade dressing. Problem with this Tamiya kit, which I did not know beforehand, is that barrel won't swivel vertically - and those parade tanks have all their barrels pointing up. 🙁
30 January 2016, 06:34

Well, everything is doable as per motto of the engineers.
But the canvas mantlet is one piece and would be very difficult to modify for raised elevation. For a moment I considered heating it followed by a gently bending but even if that would have succeeded, it probably would have been impossible to get snug fit to turret. Then again, I could have removed plastic altogether and craft mantlet from fabric of some sort. That would have worked.
BTW: It's funny that on box cover pic tank has elevated barrel...
30 January 2016, 15:03

Had the Problem with my Zvesda T-72 ERA. But there was the barrel in the raised position and I wanted it in a normal position. This was possible without big surgery. Because there are ERA-blocks on top of the canvas mantlet, you can't see any fitting problems.
30 January 2016, 16:00

everythiung russian i have has the guards markings on it. I love that marking
3 February 2016, 13:04

Heh, my fellow Finns (on the other site) don't seem to like it as much as you people, p'haps they suffer from mild russophobia... 😄
3 February 2016, 19:10