Leopard 1 Powerpack - Finished
13 10 February 2016, 08:06

unusual but very cool 🙂
at first I thought it was a steam punk robot and it's pet 😄
10 February 2016, 08:19

Great idea to put this milestone of engineering on stage, Marcus!👍
11 February 2016, 06:45

Thank you Ulf. It is an excellent engine, in real as well as in the model. 😉 Hope to see you in Wilnsdorf..
11 February 2016, 13:09

That looks very realistic! I like the presentation as well. Great job!
9 January 2023, 05:18
Album info
Here are the pictures of my finished Leopard 1 Powerpack. More pictures are available on my website: militarymodelling.info.
Absolutely the best of it: Testing of the engine in this video: Youtube Video

Enjoy and have fun!