USS Constitution from Revell - 1:96 Scale
7 March 2016, 12:14

Clean and sharp work and excellent rigging. Very well done Old Ironside!
7 March 2016, 12:25

two questions Andy
is the rigging out of the box or did you hand-build the rat-lines?
how many years have you been working on this museum quality project?
I know you will be proud when guests visit and admire your work.
7 March 2016, 16:29

Hi Brent, and thanks for your kind reply.
The Rat-lines are from the Kit, and i can say that they are really fragile. the Rest of the Rigging, standing and running, was replaced by threads from "Artesania Latina". It took me a little more than two Years to finish this Ship, with about one and a half Year of straight forward building. I had to take a few brakes between the build, because i was getting insane with the rigging, and had to finish some other Kits to calm down.😉
Thanks again for your Words, especially for the "Museum Quality Project".
7 March 2016, 16:44

Thanks alot for your Words, mates. They are much appreciated.
Dank dir, satoriosaka.
@Christian - The Constitution in Fall Out 4, great. I would like to be on the real one, the oldest Navy-Ship in active Duty. Perhaps i will make it someday to Boston!?!
1 April 2016, 21:02
Album info
I've finished this Ship already a few years ago. But I've never come to the point to take some nice pictures without a disturbing background. But never say never 😉