NXR-750 Tamiya

Hi hetspanjaard, this kit resulted in one of my favourite models.
Nice to see that it is still built by fellow modellers.🙂 You did a great job with the wheels and the used look - very well done!👍

Nice build. thought of doing the same with my model... or trying to thin the existing spokes...

thanks a lot. both. one of my favourite bikes too. thanks for the compliments. thinning the spokes... never thought of that, i would love to see how it is done. i found some websites with people who relaced them with wire, and decided to give it a go. it took... a lot of time and a good deal of patience to figure it out. and actually i even found some references later that would have saved me some time... but i learnt something 🙂

Very nice build! What a difference those spokes make. Realistic weathering, especially the tires.

thanks Kamal and Gorbygould. it did ended good, but it was so close to finish in total loss that I even managed to add it again to my stash... so eventually i will have two 😄

Wow! those wheels are artwork! love it. and the dusting effekt is great! 🙂

Altough I still find it's a very beautiful result, I couldn't help noticing that the rake of the front fork is quite big? Normally it would be about 27°. On your model it looks more like about 36°. This would result in a good straight on stability but more difficult for quick cornering (essential for a dirt bike). Does it comes like this in the kit, or is it the perhaps deformation in the picture?

Very nice model Spanjaard, great job!
Dust effects are subtle but very effective 👍

thanks Dan, Dale and Kees.
@Lex, sorry, did not see your comment before. Is probably one of the effects of the disaster with the white spirit.... it model broke in the weakest areas, and although i managed to put it back together, some things will never be the same again.....

Well, you can always say that the bike landed too hard after jumping a desert dune😉

ha ha ha, yes, your absolutely right, i was trying to achieve exactly that, and undocumented hard landing 😄 thanks 🙂

yes, tell me about it.... imagine how i felt when it started falling apart in front of my eyes.

I think it feels the same as when you come home, the cat is awaiting you but sits unnatural motionless (normally he comes to greet you right away)... then you see your models on the floor around the cat...

yes, similar, but that could be considered a "natural disaster/act of god/force of nature"😉 (i had a cat for 14 years, i miss him a lot). in this case was my own mistake and i can only blame myself. also i could see it starting to crumble bit by bit, kind of slow motion.....

you can be sure of that 🙂. i have not yet received the washes from Flory models, those are simply clay in water, so no hard "should" come from that, for example

Good looking weathering on civil vehicles can be a challenge! Your's an outstanding job! Well done! I like it a lot!
Must do something like this when time is coming!

thanks Dirk, but be careful not to make the same mistake with the white spirit😉

🙂 Okay, hope I don`t forget it. Btw., the scratchbuilt spokes are great.

thanks, it that was a good deal of time to get them right, but certainly I am happy with it

Now this looks like a proper dirt bike. What a great weathering job, had to look twice to see it wasn't the real thing

Great model, looks very realistic. Just the right amount of weathering in my opinion. Very nice! The only thing I want to mention is the kickstand. It looks fairly new, it could be a little worn where you push it down with your shoes and also where it touches ground. I only mention this because it immediately popped into my mind.

thanks a lot Scott, that is a really good compliment
and thanks also Michael, you are absolutely right. A really good opportunity to do some chipping for example. I will remember that when I build this one again. unfortunately the area where the kickstand is attached was quite weak after the "white spirit incident" that it broke shortly after the pictures were taken. I tried to glue it but I did not manage to get it right. In order to avoid further damage, I decided to leave it as it is at the moment..... it does not make me happy but i have to let it be as it is.

Wow, very realistic. Looks like I could hop aboard and fire it up!

You were absolutely right, I also wouldn't have touched it again. Don't get me wrong, I love it!

thanks Rober and Richard, and of course, thanks again Michael 🙂

Cool used look. I have this bike also in my stash, so yours is an inspiration for me how it can/ should look. 😉

glad you like it Christian. If i can give a suggestion, try to airbrush the golden and red lines, i think it makes a big difference. i wish i would have done better masking, but next time it will be better (when i thought it was gone for ever, i got another one online)

Great looking build sir! I will be trying some weathering on my next builds I think😉

thanks oudlad. i intend to build this one again one day. but for sure, i will not use turpentine when i do the weatering..... or i will be a lot more careful. it almost cost me this build!

Mmm... what a nightmare! How were you using turps? From what I have digested so far with the weathering options I think I'm going to use mainly acrylic products and oil paints.

oil paints is what i was using.... thinned with white spirit/turpentine.... i am currently using using Flory model washes.... pretty harmless and nice result.

caramba, your wonderful dusty enduro racer is a beautiful model!! is it a Michelin T-61 rear tire? i had it on my 1:1 XT 600 in the eighties (i am an older one) 🙂

thanks a lot Thomas. glad you like it. unfortunately, i can not answer my question... the tire is the original Tamiya one, and there is no reference or numbers there to indicate the model.

Spanjaard, the spokes are terrific, huge challenge and must have been a courageous cut, especially the first one! Honda Africa in the future please!

glad you like the bike 🙂. well, i will keep in mind that Honda Africa, but i have a couple of virago's in my stash that i will probably do first😉

Always stays current, relative, in fashion, effective, or in this example, beautiful!

I love it! finally a bike that doesn't look show room new! Nice work!

Great looking Honda, Spanjaard! Like the subtle dust weathering!

Once again Spanjaard, really nice work 🙂
Particularly like the dirt and rust on the engine 🙂

thanks Ingo, Tom and Choppa. this is a two years old build... almost a total disaster, but still one of my favorite builds.... i intend to do it again one day!!!

Still a beautiful build Spanjaard, I'll confess to looking it over from time to time.

wow Spanjaard, great work, very realistic, beautiful the wheels and the weathering!

normally i`m not so interested in bikes but this is still awesome! looks like it`s real
very good work with the rims 👍
ps: your scratch swords are great too 😃

Thanks a lot Simon. This bike, even after the almost total lost, is a build the I love very much 🙂

The swords are also a favourite of mine. One day I need to build another

well, it almost cost me the build, but yeah, it does not look that bad now 🙂

thanks Villiers and Greg. Greg, maybe because this is an old build, in fact, finished right before you joined SCM 😉

Wow, that's cool!! I need to upgrade the finished product I have too!!😊🙌

Right from the dirt track. That´s the way I like it. The spokes make a hell of a difference.

Fantastic! At first I thought I was looking at a photo of the real bike

thanks yeon sung Jung for bringing this old build to the need feed, and thanks for the nice comment. also thanks to Michael and Alberto. dirt looks the way I wanted although it almost destroy the build ....

I'm not entirely convinced that some of those pics are of a model at all 🙂 😉 Lovely muddy work Spanjaard

OK Spanjaard - that build was just slick! The attention to details, the spokes is insane, but the weathering is sublime. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

thanks Григорій Калюжний and CaptGPF for your nice comments
if there is something I can say about the weathering of this model... is not to do it as I did, white spirit almost ruined beyond repair 😉

it is still possible to find it, actually. prices are a different matter, of course. a few days ago, I saw one that was sold for 70EUR.

thanks J35J, up to the weathering stage, I was really happy about it, but then it almost ended in the bin.....

thanks Lode. I actually like it a lot, even if it nearly ended in the bin.... so masterpiece is really nice, but certainly undeserved. back wheel el never rotate anymore, front fork is far too open, stand will no longer be attached.....

Fantastic build, love the weathering. What colour did you use for the Rothmans blue?

thanks for your comment nikfrost. I would love to answer but actually i simply not sure, it was 8 years ago..... unfortunately i did not make a note of tha back in the day. Instructions call for TS-15 i did not use that one for sure.... I checked and found some online lists (cs.finescale.com/fsm..s/f/18/t/112423.aspx) that says X-4 is the equivalent of TS-15. I think I used that. my jar of X-4 seems to match the color of the bike in my cabinet
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old Tamiya model. i decided to remove the spokes and replace them with steel wire. that part went well, although it took me a long time. rest of the build went well (pity that the engine is cover from view, i spent quite some time detailing it) until the weathering part.
Bike was looking quite good when finished the painting stage, so i decided to add some weathering, it is a rally bike at the end. I decided to use oil paints diluted with white spirit, that gave me good results in my younger modelling age. But I did not primed the model, and the white spirit entered in all holes and tight spaces, attacking everywhere, specially weakest places. Bike started falling apart in front of me.... several key parts broke into several pieces leaving me with engine block, wheels, totally separated from each other. i had to rebuild some parts from scratch, and salvage what I could. the truth, is that i was so dis-hearted that i purchased the model online again, so i could maybe use the wheels, and start over. at the end I managed to more or less put it back together