Tamiya Mosquito B Mk. IV
1 22 May 2016, 03:34

Come on, I figured you'd have this thing built already after dragging out the Bradley.
On a more serious note, that cockpit is looking pretty nice
24 May 2016, 02:40

Bryce, This experience is leaving me scratching my head a bit. I had always heard that Tamiya's Mosquitos were super easy to build. I've found that I've really had to use some force and coaxing to get some things to fit (namely the odd joint between the main fuselage and the forward fuselage, and the forward fuselage to itself. It seems very un-Tamiya like. With some patience, clamps, tape, rubberbands and holding things in place until they dried, everything seems to fit relatively well. I will need some sanding and some very minor putty along a seam or two, but nothing serious. I mean, this isn't a bad experience, per se, but it's odd for Tamiya (it's certainly not as difficult as the B-25 I built around Christmas).
I'm doing this one in flight with wheels up and bomb bay doors closed. Yup, I'm going to use those prop blurs again. I had figured that without all of the detail in the bomb bays, landing gears, and wheel wells that this would be a relatively easy build, and to the painting stage in a few days. Nope.
I spent a bit of time on the cockpit, then spent a day painting the pilot/navigator. When installed the crew completely obscures all of the work I've done, so that was simply more wasted time.
Oddly enough, I wanted something relatively easy to build after that god-forsaken Bradley, but the quality of Meng's Bradley actually makes this Mosquito seem less well engineered than it would probably seem otherwise.
24 May 2016, 20:51

I'm curious, what glue do you use? I've noticed some interesting things with Tamiya kits. Not that it would necessarily make any difference in your situation, but I've noticed that some of their fits are so perfect, that any glue besides Tamiya Extra Thin has caused a little bit of a fit issue. Nothing that's been major, but it's noticable.
Hopefully those prop blurs look as good on a bigger kit as they did on the Reaper. I've told you before but they're definitely the best looking blurs out of the bunch, IMO.
24 May 2016, 23:33

The Mosquito, insofar as wing span, is actually smaller than the Reaper. I used a 1/72 scale blur on the reaper. This will need a big 3 bladed 1/48 scale blur.
As a rule, and one without many exceptions, I only use Tamiya Extra Thin. I think that the problem with this kit is the way that the fuselage requires four pieces, and the cockpit is unnecessarily complicated. The cockpit is made up of a rear bulkhead, bomb bay, cockpit floor, and another cockpit floor. The fit of all of those pieces is pretty good, but get four or five in a row and things could start to get a little misaligned. Had a been a little more careful, and not defaulted to "it's Tamiya, it will go together perfectly" I probably could have avoided every one of those issues. The fuselage is also uneccesarily complicated. It really could have just been two halves, but I guess it allows Tamiya to make more versions with fewer molds.
24 May 2016, 23:54

So what were the issues with the decals? I dont do WWII planes much. I have like 3 in my stash. Just curious.
And it looks great!
4 June 2016, 04:11

Donald, in my experience Tamiya decals are extraordinarily thick. Also, insofar as stencil data and other tiny markings go, they aren't very clearly printed.
The end result is often that Tamiya's decals don't adhere to curves/details as well (even with copious amounts of microsol/set). And, their tiny stencil decals are disproportionately thick so that even with gloss clear on top, then flat clear, they still cast shadows.
Ultimately I'd say to forego Tamiya decals at all costs.
4 June 2016, 18:11

Excellent! I do like your work sir!
And, I do like the prop blurs. I may have to get some for my 130 for the diorama I am slowly getting stuff for.
11 June 2016, 05:38