Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA
Photo 1 of 12
1 17 June 2016, 19:25

Nice to see it in a more "operational" color scheme than the splinter pattern.
19 June 2016, 14:45

Hi mates, thank you very much for watching! I recommend this kit, relatively easy to build (except for placing the intakes). Not that excellent fit of the Trumpeter's Su-30, but a nice kit indeed.
19 June 2016, 16:00

Thank you mates! I used Tamiya Acrylics, flat white XF-2 with a drop of Model Master dark blue 4660, and light grey XF-66, with a 25% flat white and again, a drop of MM dark blue.
21 June 2016, 01:41

Only untill picture 12 I first noticed that you painted it by brush. Excellent craftmanship!
21 June 2016, 04:29

Hagel, thank you! I didn't paint it by brush, except for Ivan and his ladder, landing gear, inside the cockpit and the finishing of the exhausts. But I'm pretty sure that I am a little over-average brush painter and a mediocre airbrush painter 🙂
21 June 2016, 12:48

really nice!!, congratulation!.... I ask to myself: how many kits do you build per year!!???
21 June 2016, 22:49

@Hagel: why? It's ok, no problem buddy!
Hi Da In! One per month, more or less, in the last few years. I used to have a higher "productivity rate" some years ago, but I am busier and older now! 😉
21 June 2016, 23:11

🙂 No problem at all Gustavo. I was so under the impression I really thought your 'brush job' looked airbrushed that I didn't notice your model is actually airbrushed. Most important: I really enjoy your model!
22 June 2016, 19:42
Album info
This is the Revell/Zvezda kit: