Dornier Do 335A-12 What if
Photo 1 of 47
1 8 July 2016, 08:50

Jealous. Won't be digging into my stash of 335's for a while - I have a barely started B. Moved house, workshop not ready and low on the priority 🙁 Enjoy and let us know if there are any fit problems.
8 July 2016, 11:27

Thanks for the interest, guys ! The kit will take a bath tonight before the first assemblies. As for the beers, I would recommand you a Brugse Zot Blonde or a Gouden Carolus Triple (Belgian beers, what else?), my two favorites. Cheers !
8 July 2016, 14:06

OK, some progress has been made. Bomb bay and wheel bay painted: RLM02 Life Color (basecoat is Tamiya Black). Details painted with Vallejo paints. Next step: the cockpits.
11 August 2016, 09:20

Looking good, very good! With regard to the beer, I would like a Orval?
11 August 2016, 09:44

Love the dirty, green bays - details please? Undercoats + highlighting/weathering used?
11 August 2016, 10:31

Playtime: Tamiya black as primer. Then a very thin coat of RLM02 Life Color. This allows you to play with the light. You can leave the black in the corners and less visible areas.
Then, a coat of Future (gloss varnish). I paint the details with Vallejo acrylic colors. Some highlights are made at this stage. The blue bottles in the wheel bay, for example : painted in blue, then the upper surfaces are directly highlighted with a mix of blue and light grey, while the paint is still wet.
After that, I apply a dark wash. Usually a dark brown (oil). I swipe the excess after an hour or two.
Then a drybrush with oil (in this case Light Yellow, works really well on the RLM02 base).
And finally some chipping with a lighter color than the base (here: Vallejo Stone Grey + White).
11 August 2016, 12:49

Great start. I am at the Udzar-Hazy Museum in Washington looking at a real DO335....
11 August 2016, 15:36

Some progress. Interiors are painted. I went for a brown headrest to add some color to the front cockpit... but it looks like wood. I am definitely not good at painting leather. Time to close the fuselage halves now!
31 August 2016, 14:56

Very nice paint work. From this distance, the headrest looks like leather to me.
1 September 2016, 06:48

nice progress, what do you have in mind to make it a what if?
1 September 2016, 07:03

Thank you guys.
Wim : I've found some great profiles here :
Haven't chosen which one yet...
1 September 2016, 07:45

great work so far.....looking forward to seeing it painted
22 September 2016, 07:46

Like the colours that you picked.....some kind of night fighter scheme?
2 June 2017, 08:56

Thanks guys !
Bart : just the edges. Then I painted the rest with my airbrush.
7 June 2017, 11:45