VPAF MiG-21F-13
1 22 March 2017, 19:46

On the bench for a while now: the Revell MiG-21F-13. Nice little kit, fits quite well, the Pavla set sorts out the intake and the wheels (the kits ones are not so great...). Easy build so far.
22 March 2017, 19:57

Hi Hans, don't forget to fill the little dots on the wink tips. Nice project, following. Another issue this kit has is that the exhaust should be deeper, i positioned mine on a project like that and looks better. Another issue is with the canopy. In closed position it makes a step with the other clear part. So it needs some refinement if you have it in that position!
20 June 2017, 23:40

Hi Aris, thx for the tips, the canopy indeed requires work to fit correctly, will check out those little dimples. The exhaust is firmly in, so too late for that one.
22 June 2017, 18:50

And another model finished! This is really a nice kit, but the Pavla update set helps making it just that much better. It is easy to build and has good detail and good decals. Just some minor fiddling to get the wing anhedral correct, and gaps at the forward wing root. I did not check dimensions for accuracy but noted some differences with a 3-view I got from the net. Could be caused by the 3-view just as well. The Vallejo Metal Color acrylic took some getting used to, compared to the practically foolproof Model Master Metalizer I always used, but works quite well. A great bonus is that you can handle and mask it without damaging it, which was always an issue with Metalizer. Thanks for watching!
6 July 2017, 18:33